Dietary Guidelines for Americans



Review the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans on page 38 of your text and address the components below.

According to Table 2-1 in Chapter 2 of the text, evaluate the key recommendations of these guidelines and state how these recommendations compare to the realities of the U.S. diet.
Based on these guidelines and your current dietary strengths and weaknesses, design a personalized plan entailing which food groups or food products you need to consume more of. Which food groups or food products need to be limited or avoided?
Review the Checking out Food Labels section on pages 41-56 of your textbook. Analyze the components of a food label, including the nutrition facts panel and the ingredient list. Based upon what you have read, as well as your own personal knowledge, how helpful do you think this information is in encouraging Americans to make healthier choices? Do you read food labels? If so, how is that practice beneficial to your personal diet plan?


The post Dietary Guidelines for Americans first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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