International Community Naval Collaboration is very important to our country in facing various threats both internally and externally. Discuss how can collaboration shape the country’s security dynamics during this pandemic (new normal) in facing traditional and non-traditional threats within Malaysian Environment.

International Community Naval Collaboration is very important to our country in facing various threats both internally and externally. Discuss how can collaboration shape the country’s security dynamics during this pandemic (new normal) in facing traditional and non-traditional threats within Malaysian Environment. The post International Community Naval Collaboration is very important to our country in facing … Read more

You need to find a news story in the media that discusses (explicitly or implicitly) the effects of public relations in some area of business, non-profit, or government. The article may have appeared in a newspaper, magazine, trade publication, broadcast media outlet (with content posted online), or another regularly updated format, in print or electronic format. It must be dated within the past 12 months. Longer pieces (one or more full

INSTRUCTIONS You need to find a news story in the media that discusses (explicitly or implicitly) the effects of public relations in some area of business, non-profit, or government. The article may have appeared in a newspaper, magazine, trade publication, broadcast media outlet (with content posted online), or another regularly updated format, in print or … Read more

BUS30205: Bussiness Enterprise Business Overview Description of your company and product/service offering Benefits to the Community: Information on how your company will have an impact on economic development, community development, and/or human development Description of how your company is different Description of y

BUS30205: Bussiness Enterprise Business Overview Description of your company and product/service offering Benefits to the Community: Information on how your company will have an impact on economic development, community development, and/or human development Description of how your company is different Description of your Industry: competitors, customers, suppliers. You may include a compilation of the above … Read more

US30205: Bussiness Enterprise Business Overview Description of your company and product/service offering Benefits to the Community: Information on how your company will have an impact on econom

US30205: Bussiness Enterprise Business Overview Description of your company and product/service offering Benefits to the Community: Information on how your company will have an impact on economic development, community development, and/or human development Description of how your company is different Description of your Industry: competitors, customers, suppliers. You may include a compilation of the above … Read more

FIN4274: Advance Financial Decision The requirements of the coursework are as follows: A brief description of what initial public offerings (IPOs) are, the process involved, and the main reasons behind a company’s decision to go public  Supported by various research literature, critically discuss the short and long-term returns* that can be expected from investments in company IPOs,

FIN4274: Advance Financial Decision The requirements of the coursework are as follows: A brief description of what initial public offerings (IPOs) are, the process involved, and the main reasons behind a company’s decision to go public  Supported by various research literature, critically discuss the short and long-term returns* that can be expected from investments in … Read more

A supermarket has two customers waiting for their purchases at counter 1 and one customer waiting to pay at counter 2. Let X1 and X2 denote the numbers of customers who spend more than RM50 on groceries at the respective counter. Suppose that X1 and X2 are independent binomial random variables, with the probability that a customer at the counter I will spend more than RM50 equal to 0.2 and the probability

Probability & Mathematical Statistics QUESTION 1 A supermarket has two customers waiting for their purchases at counter 1 and one customer waiting to pay at counter 2. Let X1 and X2 denote the numbers of customers who spend more than RM50 on groceries at the respective counter. Suppose that X1 and X2 are independent binomial … Read more

Financial Econometrics Question Econometrics is the application of statistical methods to economic data in order to give empirical content to economic relationships. More precisely, it is “the quantitative analysis of actual economic phenomena based on the concurrent development of theory and observation, related by appropriate methods of inference

Financial Econometrics Question Econometrics is the application of statistical methods to economic data in order to give empirical content to economic relationships. More precisely, it is “the quantitative analysis of actual economic phenomena based on the concurrent development of theory and observation, related by appropriate methods of inference”. Linear regression is a basic and commonly … Read more

International Relations and Diplomacy Explain the theoretical foundations behind the establishment of post-world war economic order and critically discuss its impact on world peace.

International Relations and Diplomacy Explain the theoretical foundations behind the establishment of post-world war economic order and critically discuss its impact on world peace. The post International Relations and Diplomacy Explain the theoretical foundations behind the establishment of post-world war economic order and critically discuss its impact on world peace. appeared first on My Academic … Read more

You work in Labuan for a well-known hotel chain. You are needed to write a report on the COVID 19 pandemic’s impact on the hospitality industry. Your report must also indicate the extent of the effect of the pandemic and recommend both short- and long-term recovery solutions for your hotel chain. The management expects you to prepare a professional and suitable report to be submitted to them

Business Communication Scenario You work in Labuan for a well-known hotel chain. You are needed to write a report on the COVID 19 pandemic’s impact on the hospitality industry. Your report must also indicate the extent of the effect of the pandemic and recommend both short- and long-term recovery solutions for your hotel chain. The … Read more

The aim of this module is to introduce the basic concepts of accounting. The Course begins with the definition of accounting, types of accounting, various steps in the double-entry system, preparation of journal entries, trial balances, and financial statements. The concept of capital and revenue expenditure, calculation of depreciation, and related accounting concepts will be discussed in this Course. LEARNING OUTCOMES Understand the process of Double Entry System Prepare the Journal Entries

The aim of this module is to introduce the basic concepts of accounting. The Course begins with the definition of accounting, types of accounting, various steps in the double-entry system, preparation of journal entries, trial balances, and financial statements. The concept of capital and revenue expenditure, calculation of depreciation, and related accounting concepts will be … Read more


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