Questions: 1. Based on your review of (i) Fort Lauderdale EAR Report and the recent amendments to their Comprehensive Plan, (ii) OneNYC, (iii) Greenville 2026, and (iv) all class discussions, prepare an Urban Planning Summary and Checklist to be used when preparing and/or amending a Comprehensive Plan. [15 points]

Questions: 1. Based on your review of (i) Fort Lauderdale EAR Report and the recent amendments to their Comprehensive Plan, (ii) OneNYC, (iii) Greenville 2026, and (iv) all class discussions, prepare an Urban Planning Summary and Checklist to be used when preparing and/or amending a Comprehensive Plan. [15 points] 2. Based on your review of … Read more

Kareem and Jimmy have been friends since primary school. They have both just completed national service. Both of them want to be entrepreneurs and start their own business. Jimmy’s mother is a faculty at SUSS and suggested that they apply for the ‘Alibaba Cloud – SUSS Certificate/Minor in Entrepreneurship’. To be admitted into the programme, they have to present their ideas to a panel of judges who will only admit ideas that are viable. The SUSS website states the following: Assessment criteria for business proposal applications: •Uniqueness of business concept •Feasibility of the

BUS357 End-of-Course Assessment – January Semester 2022 Starting and Managing a Business __________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS: 1.This End-of-Course Assessment paper comprises TEN (10) pages (including the cover page). 2.You are to include the following particulars in your submission: Course Code, Title of the ECA, SUSS PI No., Your Name, and Submission Date. 3.Late submission will … Read more

Technological change has deepened globalisation and weakened the relevance of the nation state. Your written response must be grounded in a specific context (that is covered in the course), such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of Big Tech, US-China trade war, or the Smart Nation initiative. *If you wish to use a different context, please consult your instructor before proceeding. Your written response must have a clear position or argument (either agree, disagree, or agree/disagree to a certain extent), which must be supported by relevant evidence with proper citations. The essay must also engage with the concepts of globalisation, technology and the nation-state. Your essay will be assessed on the following criteria:

Write an essay in response to the following statement: Technological change has deepened globalisation and weakened the relevance of the nation state. Your written response must be grounded in a specific context (that is covered in the course), such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact of Big Tech, US-China trade war, or the Smart Nation … Read more

In this assignment, you are required to respond to the question “Why do good?” in the context of a real-world case study of global concern in strictly no more than 800-words (excluding references). This is an essay assignment and your answer should not be answered in parts. Note: Global concerns are issues that every nation in the world is concerned about, such as child labour, human trafficking, migration, torture, humanitarian intervention, pandemics, scarce resources, discrimination, wars, online privacy, etc. This list is non-exhaustive. The case study you select for this assignment should be different from the topic chosen for the DB. To ensure your work is original, you should not use any case studies covered in the course materials. You will be assessed holisti

In this assignment, you are required to respond to the question “Why do good?” in the context of a real-world case study of global concern in strictly no more than 800-words (excluding references). This is an essay assignment and your answer should not be answered in parts. Note: Global concerns are issues that every nation … Read more

You have been tasked by your CNO to provide a report and present to the board of directors about how your organization is transforming based on Health and Medicine Division (HMD) recommendations in high-profile reports. Review the HMD reports. Determine which recommendations directly affect how nurses provide care at the bedside. Research quality indicators at the organization where you practice, one in your community, or one of interest. Cite evidence from the organi

NSG302 Professional Contemporary Nursing Role And Practice Week 1 Assignment Baccalaureate Self-Reflection   Complete the Baccalaureate Self-Reflection worksheet. Do NOT create your own template. Use the one provided. Cite at least two scholarly articles to support your self-assessment and include them in your references at the end of your template. Copy and paste the “Baccalaureate Self-Reflection” … Read more

NSG302 Professional Contemporary Nursing Role And Practice Week 5 Assignment   Report on Progress Assignment Content You have been tasked by your CNO to provide a report and present to the board of directors about how your organization is transforming based on Health and Medicine Division (HMD) recommendations in high-profile reports. Review the HMD reports.

NSG302 Professional Contemporary Nursing Role And Practice Week 1 Assignment Baccalaureate Self-Reflection   Complete the Baccalaureate Self-Reflection worksheet. Do NOT create your own template. Use the one provided. Cite at least two scholarly articles to support your self-assessment and include them in your references at the end of your template. Copy and paste the “Baccalaureate … Read more

Employment Law From January 2006 until his dismissal, Wendell Bracken (‘WB’) had worked as a cake decorator at The Cake Whole Ltd (‘the Company’). The Company is a patisserie and bakers with eight outlets in the West Midlands region. It has a number of cake decorators that work throughout its shops providing a bespoke service to clients. The Company specialises in expensive celebration cakes, mostly for birthdays and weddings

Employment Law From January 2006 until his dismissal, Wendell Bracken (‘WB’) had worked as a cake decorator at The Cake Whole Ltd (‘the Company’). The Company is a patisserie and bakers with eight outlets in the West Midlands region. It has a number of cake decorators that work throughout its shops providing a bespoke service … Read more

Employment Law From January 2006 until his dismissal, Wendell Bracken (‘WB’) had worked as a cake decorator at The Cake Whole Ltd (‘the Company’). The Company is a patisserie and bakers with eight outlets in the West Midlands region. It has a number of cake decorators that work throughout its shops providing a bespoke service to clients. The Company specialises in expensive celebration cakes, mostly for birthdays and weddings

Employment Law From January 2006 until his dismissal, Wendell Bracken (‘WB’) had worked as a cake decorator at The Cake Whole Ltd (‘the Company’). The Company is a patisserie and bakers with eight outlets in the West Midlands region. It has a number of cake decorators that work throughout its shops providing a bespoke service … Read more

Teacher Training Presentation Instructions Reflect on all that you have learned about culturally reponsive teaching through your readings, discussions, and research throughout this course. You will develop a Teacher Training Presentation, reading and researching everything you can find on your topic to present to a teacher audience. You may select a new topic or a topic that you have already used in one of your previous papers or presentations within this course to further develop your unders

Teacher Training Presentation Instructions Reflect on all that you have learned about culturally reponsive teaching through your readings, discussions, and research throughout this course. You will develop a Teacher Training Presentation, reading and researching everything you can find on your topic to present to a teacher audience. You may select a new topic or a … Read more

Teacher Training Presentation Instructions Reflect on all that you have learned about culturally reponsive teaching through your readings, discussions, and research throughout this course. You will develop a Teacher Training Presentation, reading and researching everything you can find on your topic to present to a teacher audience. You may select a new topic or a topic that you have already used in one of your previous papers or presentations within this course to further develop your unders

Teacher Training Presentation Instructions Reflect on all that you have learned about culturally reponsive teaching through your readings, discussions, and research throughout this course. You will develop a Teacher Training Presentation, reading and researching everything you can find on your topic to present to a teacher audience. You may select a new topic or a … Read more


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