You must answer ALL the questions. (Total 100 marks) Question 1 (a) The manager of NTUC Fairprice at Bukit Timah Plaza, Mr Lim, found out that the demand for Milo tetra packs has been declining over the last few months. So, he decided to reduce the order quantity for the drinks from its manufacturer Nestle. Explain how various inventory-related costs will change if the order size decreases. (9 marks) The supermarket is planning to carry a newly introduced drink from another manufacturer along with the existing product Milo. Which product do you think the supermarket should hold more safety inventory? Why? (4 marks) As a supermarket manager, how would you go about evalua

LOG203 Timed Online Assignment – July Semester 2020 Inventory Management Monday, 16 November 2020 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm Time allowed: 2.5 hours INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS: This Timed Online Assignment (TOA) contains FOUR (4) questions and comprises EIGHT (8) pages (including cover page, Appendix A and B). You must answer ALL questions. If you have … Read more

For approx. 30 minutes: Your teacher will recap a few of the analytics methods used in accounting, economics or finance. Assessment Instructions As an individual, • You will choose five analytics methods and a financial, accounting or economics application for each one. • Out of the five methods that you chose, investigate one in more detail. • Reflect on the limitations of the methods and possible ethical, legal or privacy issues. Please refer to the assessment marking guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria. DocumentPage Classification:1 Public Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline 2021 Slide creation (2 hours: 15 minutes, 30 marks)

Assessment 3 Information Subject Code: FINM4100 Subject Name: Analytics in Accounting, Finance and Economics Assessment Title: Individual portfolio assessment in class Assessment Type: Slides Word Count: 15 Slides (+/-10%) Weighting: 30 % Total Marks: 30 Submission: Via MyKBS in class Due Date: Week 12 Your Task Create a slide deck which represents a portfolio of … Read more

Exhale is expected to pay a $0.60 dividend next year. The dividend is expected to grow at a 50 percent annual rate for Years 2 and 3, at 20 percent annually for Years 4 and 5, and at 5 percent annually for Year 6 and thereafter. If the required rate of return is 12 percent, what is the value per share? (b) EB Systems is selling for $11.40 and is expected to pay a $0.40 dividend next year. The dividend is expected to grow at 15 percent for the following four years, and then at 7 percent annually after Year 5. If purchased at its current price, what is the expected rate of return on EB Systems? Assume price equals value.

Question 1 Exhale is expected to pay a $0.60 dividend next year. The dividend is expected to grow at a 50 percent annual rate for Years 2 and 3, at 20 percent annually for Years 4 and 5, and at 5 percent annually for Year 6 and thereafter. If the required rate of return is … Read more

Pacific Systems Corporation Case Questions: 1. What is your recommended sourcing strategy in this case? Please support your decision with quantitative and qualitative evidence gathered during the case analysis. Also, present your plan to reduce any risks associated with your sourcing decision. 2. This case provided the data necessary to perform a cursory supplier financial analysis. In reality, cross-functional sourcing teams must often obtain this data during their assessment of potential suppliers. Discuss possible sources of supplier financial information. What may impact a purchaser’s ability to obtain supplier financial data?

Pacific Systems Corporation Case Questions: 1. What is your recommended sourcing strategy in this case? Please support your decision with quantitative and qualitative evidence gathered during the case analysis. Also, present your plan to reduce any risks associated with your sourcing decision. 2. This case provided the data necessary to perform a cursory supplier financial … Read more

You are the Human Resource Team of a MNC based in your home country. The MNC has decided that the home country market has developed enough for it to open an operation overseas. Your CEO has asked your team to prepare a presentation about the kinds of cultural challenges that this company’s managers will face when launching the new operation in the chosen country (host country). Ensure that your presentation meets the following suggestions: • For the chosen country (host country) of its expansion, include a brief description of the country’s relevant history, geographical location, socio-economic information, business etiquettes and protocols.

Instructions: You are the Human Resource Team of a MNC based in your home country. The MNC has decided that the home country market has developed enough for it to open an operation overseas. Your CEO has asked your team to prepare a presentation about the kinds of cultural challenges that this company’s managers will … Read more

Students will write a 5–7-page paper regarding the value of strategic planning in a healthcare setting. Areas to be covered in this paper include, but are not limited to, corporate communication, financial benefit, change management, and customer feedback. Students should include discussion of how the strategic plan is to be communicated to stakeholders. Proper APA formatting and a minimum of 5 professional references are required.

Students will write a 5–7-page paper regarding the value of strategic planning in a healthcare setting. Areas to be covered in this paper include, but are not limited to, corporate communication, financial benefit, change management, and customer feedback. Students should include discussion of how the strategic plan is to be communicated to stakeholders. Proper APA … Read more

Assessment Description In this assessment, you will be writing an individual report that encourages you to be creative with business analytics, whilst also developing a response to the UX, CX and Ethical innovation case study that you have selected. Background: In this assessment, you will be developing a response through application of the analytics concepts covered in weeks 10 & 11. To do so, you will need to demonstrate: 1. How Design Thinking principles were applied in the development of your proposed innovation 2. Application of UX and CX principles during the development process 3. Acknowledgement and management of legal and ethical issues in the creation of your innovation. 4. Alignment to the customer journey for your nominated personas.

Assessment 4 Information THIS PAPER HAS BEEN DONE BY ESSAYLINK.NET Subject Code: DATA4900 Subject Name: Innovation and Creativity in Business Analytics Assessment Title: UX, CX and Ethical innovation case study Assessment Type: Individual report Word Count: 1,000 Words (+/-10%) Weighting: 30 % Total Marks: 30 Submission: Portal via TurnItIn Due Date: Sunday 23:55pm (AEST) Week … Read more

This assessment provides the opportunity for each student to develop an elevator pitch in relation to an innovation. The key emphasis is on undertaking the creative process to develop an innovation, for which there is a current – or future – market opportunity. Overview: Students should critically apply concepts and theories from Module 1 to conceive an innovation, which will form the basis of all assessments in this unit. Demonstration of creativity, opportunity identification and the aptitude to succinctly communicate your innovation are the core tasks of Assessment 1.

BUSN3003 Entrepreneurship and Innovation ASSESSMENT 1: INDIVIDUAL PRESENTATION Elevator Pitch DUE: 11PM (AEST) FRIDAY WEEK 2 WEIGHTING: 20% LENGTH: 2 – 3 MINUTES (+/- 10%) This assessment provides the opportunity for each student to develop an elevator pitch in relation to an innovation. The key emphasis is on undertaking the creative process to develop an … Read more

Working in business management means taking on responsibility to lead your organization in a variety of situations. Part of that responsibility is understanding where an organization has been and where it’s going. In this course, you put yourself in the shoes of a manager and use resources to make decisions on where an organization is heading in respect to business needs, organizational structure, leadership strategies, and change management. Some of the information needed may be easy to locate, but other information may take time and effort to find.

Wk 1 – Apply: Selecting a Company [due Day 7] Assignment Content Working in business management means taking on responsibility to lead your organization in a variety of situations. Part of that responsibility is understanding where an organization has been and where it’s going. In this course, you put yourself in the shoes of a … Read more

You are the Human Resource Team of a MNC based in your home country. The MNC has decided that the home country market has developed enough for it to open an operation overseas. Your CEO has asked your team to prepare a presentation about the kinds of cultural challenges that this company’s managers will face when launching the new operation in the chosen country (host country). Ensure that your presentation meets the following suggestions: For the chosen country (host country) of its expansion, include a brief description of the country’s relevant history, geographical location, socio-economic information, business etiquettes and protocols. You are to

You are the Human Resource Team of a MNC based in your home country. The MNC has decided that the home country market has developed enough for it to open an operation overseas. Your CEO has asked your team to prepare a presentation about the kinds of cultural challenges that this company’s managers will face … Read more


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