Identify a statistical problem in the context of business and environment and develop a literature review.

Business and Environment Initiative

  • Identify a statistical problem in the context of business and environment and develop a literature review.
  • Climate as a systemic risk have the potential to destabilize capital markets and lead to serious negative consequences for financial institutions and the broader economy.

The structure for the essay is as follows:

Title Page


1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

3. Major Contribution

4. Reference Page

  1. Introduction
  • Review and read peer-reviewed business journal articles relating to the essay topic.
  • Please note, however, that those articles must use statistical models (preferably ANOVA, hypothesis test, and/or multiple regression model).
  • Then identify a business research problem and/or an issue you would like to address in your critical assignment.
  1. Literature Review
  • Once you select a business research problem and/or an issue, then develop a literature review on how existing literature explores the topic, from similar and/or different perspectives, using methodological/statistical approaches.
  1. Major Contribution
  • From the literature review, explain how existing studies have been addressing the issue differently.
  • Then, you as a researcher, need to find a way to make your research sound unique and original against those studies.
  • In the third section, you are required to pin-point major selling points of your research in terms of the use of unique methodology and/or database.

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