I agree with you, however I have one question. Do you think the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one? When people are protesting properly and not rioting or defacing property, does this make it ok for a president to call them radicals? It is his first amendment to speak, and while most people do not agree with a lot of things he says (which full of hatred and nastiness) he still has the right to say it, and it disgust me. The government does not or should not have the right to tell people what they can do or say. That is why the First Amendment is important. I agree with you that both political parties, take the news and spin it their advantage, I think the only difference is one party lies and the other twists the truth, and people believes the lies, the only real question is who lies the least? Min 50 words or more. Tutor P A AMAYA

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