Write MapReduce programs which gives your chance to understand the complexity of MapReduce programing, the essential components you learned in lectures, the unique debugging method, the impact of performance using different size clusters.
2. Learning Outcomes
The key course learning outcomes are:
CLO 1. Model and implement efficient big data solutions for various application areas using appropriately selected algorithms and data structures.
CLO 2. Analyze methods and algorithms, to compare and evaluate them with respect to time and space requirements and make appropriate design choices when solving real-world problems.
CLO 3. Motivate and explain trade-offs in big data processing technique design and analysis in written and oral form.
CLO 4. Explain the Big Data Fundamentals, including the evolution of Big Data, the characteristics of Big Data and the challenges introduced.
CLO 5. Apply non-relational databases, the techniques for storing and processing large volumes of structured and unstructured data, as well as streaming data.
CLO 6. Apply the novel architectures and platforms introduced for Big data, in particular Hadoop and MapReduce.
3. Assessment details
You have developed a MapReduce program and run it in Hadoop. It is the basic version of word count. In this assignment, you are asked to extend the functions based on the MapReduce program using what you learned in this course. You should use Java to develop your MapReduce program over AWS EMR (if you want to use other code language, please contact lecturer for approval).
Task 1 – Count words by lengths (8 marks) Write a MapReduce program to count number of short words (1-4 letters), medium words (5-7 letters) words, long words (8-10 letters) and extra-long words (More than 10 letters).
Task 2 – Count words by the first character (8 marks) Write a MapReduce program that outputs a count of all words that begin with a vowel and count of all how many words that begin with a consonant.
Task 3 – Count word with in-mapper combining (12 marks) Write a MapReduce program to count the number of each word where the in-mapper combining is implemented rather than an independent combiner.
Task 4 – Count word with partitioner (12 marks) Extend the MapReduce code in Task 1 by using partitioner such that – short words (1-4 letters) and extra-long words (More than 10 letters) are processed in one reducer, – medium words (5-7 letters) and long words (8-10 letters) are processed in another reducer.
5. Requirement
(a) The codes for all four tasks are entailed in a single Maven project. (2 marks)
(b) Submit the complete Maven project source code in a .zip file (including a standalone jar file). The zip file should be named as sxxxxx_BDP_S2_2020.zip (replace sxxxxx by your student ID). (2 marks)
(c) You need include a “README” file in the zip file. In the README, you are asked to specify how to run each task using the standalone jar in Hadoop. (1 mark)
(d) Paths of input file and output file should not be hard-coded. (1 mark)
(e) For all tasks, use the text file “Melbourne” “RMIT” and “3littlepigs” as the input files and process them together in the same run (don’t process them separately); output file must be stored in /user/sxxxxx/output# in HDFS (i.e., /user/sxxxxx/output1 for Task 1, /user/sxxxxx/output2 for Task 2, and so on). (4×1 marks)
(f) For each task, using Apache log4j log information: (4×1 marks) – In the MAP tasks, the log should be “The mapper task of , ” – In the REDUCE tasks, the log should be “The reducer task of , ”
(g) Conduct performance analysis on different numbers of nodes in EMR clusters. To this end, run the code in Task 1 to process a large data set s3a://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-17/segments/1524125936833.6 when the number of nodes in EMR clusters is 3, 5, 7 respectively. Show the CPU_MILLISECONDS for each MAP task and each REDUCE task in the README file (the same one mentioned in (c)); and analyze what you observed (250-500 words). (3 marks)
(h) Your MapReduce program(s) must be well written, using good coding style and including appropriate use of comments. (4×2 marks)
6. Marking Guide
(a) If one task cannot be run using the submitted jar file, no mark for this task.
(b) If one task can run but the output is incorrect. At least half mark will be deducted for this task. If the code has major issues (such as logically incorrect), 0 mark for this task.

The post Write MapReduce programs which gives your chance to understand the complexity of MapReduce programing, the essential components you learned in lectures, the unique debugging method, the impact of performance using different size clusters. appeared first on Best Custom Essay Writing Services | EssayBureau.com.