History journal


– “A century later, meatpacking plants still resemble Upton Sinclair’s depiction in ‘The Jungle’” (2020)
– The “Spanish” Influenza of 1918-1920 (2020)
Links to these materials are in this section of the course.

After reviewing the assigned materials, address the following writing journal prompt:
“Diseases have impacted humans in significant ways throughout American history. Today, we are living through the COVID-19 epidemic which has
disrupted society and has changed the way many of us live, in dramatic ways. Previous eras of American history were no different.
How did the United States deal with pandemics during the Progressive Era? Can you make connections between how pandemics were dealt with in
the past, compared to in the 21st century? What, if any, lessons can we learn from these experiences?”

Write at least a paragraph (5 or more sentences). The readings for this section can help give you important background on the topic and make sure
to use in-text citations to let the reader know what you are using. It is good practice for the section exam, where in-text citations are required. Your
response will be graded “Complete” for full marks, or “Incomplete” if no post is made or the post does not fulfill the requirements


The post History journal first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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