In this assignment, students are required to identify a recent Enterprise Systems
implementation in an organisation and write a 2,500 to 2,600-word report and create a
5-6 minute PowerPoint presentation on the following topic(s) in the chosen case study.
(From the Insert tab, choose Insert Audio. Keep the narration for each slide under 40
1. Analyse at least two case-studies associated with ERP implementation for any
major enterprise and discuss strategic success factors in enterprise resource
planning design and implementation.
You are required to use additional references to support your arguments.
Your report should be a synthesis of ideas researched from a variety of sources and
expressed in your own words. It should be written in clear English and be submitted at
the end of week 11 in electronic format as either a Word document or a pdf file. This
electronic file will be checked using Turnitin for any evidence of plagiarism. You are
expected to use in-text citations to support your arguments which should be referenced
in the normal Harvard referencing style.

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