Context Collapse Global Village Hyperreality The Public Sphere

MMCC1040 S2 2020 – Introduction to Media and Mass Communications
Poster Assessment Topics:
Context Collapse
Global Village Hyperreality The Public Sphere
Participatory Culture Platform Affordance The Medium is the Message
1. Your definition must come from an academic source (e.g. a peer-reviewed journal article, academic book, or other academic text). If you are unsure about your source for the definition, then ask your tutor ASAP (or in an earlier tutorial).
2. Dictionary definitions are not allowed.
3. The tutorials in week 6 will partly run as Poster Assessment Workshops. You will thus benefit greatly from this class if you bring a draft version of your poster. This means you should start working on this assessment now!
4. You should have a look at the rubric to better understand how your poster will be assessed and marked. In general, keep in mind that you will be assessed on the following criteria:
a. Ability to demonstrate a grasp of the concept (this will be your ‘explanation’ section, aka defining the term in your own words). Were you to choose a term that has not been extensively covered in lectures or required readings, then this will be taken into account.
b. Critical reflection on concept (this refers to the suitability of your chosen example to demonstrate the term you have chosen)
c. Creativity (This refers to the design and presentation of your poster – keep in mind: sometimes less is more)
d. Academic Writing (this refers to the readability and grammaticality of your work, as well as the tone of your writing, which should be academic)
e. Correct referencing (Harvard style)
f. No more than 400 words in total for the entire PPT document.

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