Integrating Quality and Patent Safety with Technology


Technology may assist in supporting healthcare quality and safety. Technology can help reduce costs, advance quality care, improve patient safety, and increase health outcomes. For example, notification technology that quickly delivers critical test results can help ensure that once a diagnosis is made, the results get to the right care team members.
conduct research to find some type of technology and its potential to improve healthcare in some regard. This can be a piece of equipment, device, implant, software, and/or other technology. You will describe how it can prevent patient harm, produce better outcomes, and meet IOM domains. You will also determine if the selected technology provides data that can be used in performance metrics.
To prepare for this Assignment:
• Review the Learning Resources for the week.
• Find a resource and/or provide your own experience regarding a new technology or new equipment used in healthcare that improves quality and/or patient safety.
Write a 1- to 2-page paper. In your paper:
• Describe the new piece of equipment, device, implant, software, or other technology discussed in the scholarly resource that you selected.
• Explain how the new equipment, device, implant, software, or other technology improves quality and/or patient safety.
• Explain which of the IOM domains or National Patient Safety Goals are improved by the equipment, device, implant, software, or other technology discussed in the scholarly resource that you selected.
• Identify any data collection the technology performs. If data are collected, describe how the data can be used for quality or safety purposes. If the device does not collect data, propose data that you think your device should collect and how the proposed data could be used for quality or safety purposes.

The post Integrating Quality and Patent Safety with Technology first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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