Select one of the projects from the capstone attachment to do the assignment. Collect and evaluate a total of 30 practitioner and scholarly articles to show why your project is worthwhile.

Capstone Literature Template
Select one of the projects from the capstone attachment to do the assignment. Collect and evaluate a total of 30 practitioner and scholarly articles to show why your project is worthwhile. Complete this first phase of literature collection and analysis by submitting a Capstone Literature Template, linked in the Resources. You will complete both Tab 1 and Tab 2 in the template.
Assignment Instructions In Tab 1, provide the following information for each article. On Row 1, enter a brief description of your project. Each accepted article from your search should be compiled in the template on Rows 2 through 31. For each article, add this information in the following columns of the template: 1. APA Citation: Insert the citation for the article. 2. Type: Indicate whether the article is practitioner (P) or scholarly (S). C, D, E: For each article, enter the following information into one or more of the following columns: 3. Evidence to Support the Existence of a Problem: Highlight current evidence to support the nature and extent of the problem. Evidence can be in the form of narrative from current literature or current statistics. 4. Evidence to Support the Gap in Practice: Describe either what is known relative to the problem driving the need for a project or what is not yet known, or both. 5. Evidence to Support the Project Need: Describe how you might use the article findings to justify the need for the project.
Tab 2: In Tab 2, self-evaluate the completeness of Tab 1 based upon the criteria listed in Row 1: 1. Balance of scholar and practitioner articles. 2. Currency of articles. 3. Details of individual article summaries. 4. Across the full array of articles: 5. Quality of evidence to support the existence of a problem. 6. Quality of evidence to support a gap in practice. 7. Quality of evidence to demonstrate the need for a project.

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