Analyze and prepare a document that contains the following elements that the Journal article contains:
Introduction- Contains a clear description of the general structure of the project.
Justification- Contains the fundamental arguments that support the research to be carried out, emphasizing those of a technical and social nature mainly. Why and why do the research?
Statement of the Problem- It is the result of a deep and serene reflection carried out by the researcher after having reviewed in detail the corresponding literature (theoretical and empirical background) and internalized the main concepts and theoretical propositions that allow him to formulate the problem with great clarity and mastery. it is intended to be resolved with research. What reality am I interested in investigating?
Object of Study- It is the consequence of the problem statement, it delimits that part of the reality that interests to study. The precision of the researcher, in this sense, is demonstrated in the meticulous and careful writing with which he formulates the object of study. What part of that reality do I want to investigate?
Research Questions (hypotheses) – These are the basic questions that arise from the justification and the problem posed and, consequently, are intended to be resolved by the research. What questions interest me in that part of reality?
Research methodology – Contains the description and argumentation of the main methodological decisions made according to the research topic and the possibilities of the researcher. Clarity in the approach and methodological structure is a required condition to ensure the validity of the research. How do I carry out the research?
Population and sample- Describes and argues the decision on the target population to investigate the object of study, as well as the basic criteria for determining the sample considered for the investigation. Who are part of the reality that I investigate?
Findings or Results – Exposes the results found in the investigation.
Conclusion- It distills the essentials of the entire process, especially emphasizing the wealth of the empirical evidence provided and, based on this, presents the prospects that the researcher contributes from their own reflection.
Recommendations- Author’s recommendations for future research.
Use a word processor, such as Word, to complete the Assignment.Include bibliographic references in the writing.

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