1. Based on your answer to (5) above, create an appropriately formatted table that has informative labels and a readable number of decimal places. The table should include an informative caption. [6 marks] 2. Reflecting on the summary statistics and tables you have created is there evidence that Amy is providing a lower quality of service than Bob? What do you think the manager should focus on to try and improve the overall customer satisfaction ratings for TerrificTrees customers? [4 marks] 3. What are the limitations of this sort of data for trying to establish cause and effect? [2 marks] MODULE 2 – TOPIC 2 (LINEAR REGRESSION) Weight: This topic is worth 17 marks out of 68 (25% of the assignment 2 grade). Tools required: You are encouraged to complete the calculations for the regression analysis using built in Excel functions (as covered in the lectures and in computer lab 3). Suggested timeframe: The quiz for the auto-graded section will close at 5pm on August 28th. It is recommended that you have well-developed answers for the manually-graded part of the assignment by the end of week 7. Scenario. The data set sydney2hobart.xls contains data on the time taken by the winning yacht in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race from 1945 to 1997. Your task is to develop a linear model that can predict the winning time based on year. Auto-graded questions (submit answers via MyLO Quiz: Assignment 2 Milestones – Part 1) 1. What is the explanatory variable (x-axis) and what is the response variable (y-axis)? [1 mark] 2. What is the best linear equation for predicting the winning time based on year? I.e. what are the intercept and slope terms? [1 mark] 3. What is the correlation between winning time and year? [1 mark] 4. How much of the variation in winning time is explained by year? I.e. what is the coefficient of determination, r2? [1 mark] 5. What is the standard error, se? [1 mark]

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