Program’s code

In your own words, answer all questions :
1- Write a code example uses string concatenation.
2-What is the term used for a number that is written into a program’s code? Write a code example that assigns
this term to a variable.
3-What are the two arguments that you pass to a TryParse method? What is the purpose of each argument?
Provide a code example using TryParse.
4-Write a code example that uses a nested decision structure to perform the following: if amount1 is greater
than 10 and amount2 is less than 100, display the greater of amount1 and amount2.
Ch4- Assume nameListbox is a Listbox control. Write code that reads the selected item from the ListBox. Be
sure to prevent an exception from occurring in case no item has been selected.





The post Program’s code first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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