CHEN3000: Process Plant Engineering- Chemical Engineering Assignment HelpTask: Individual Assignment 1 Process Evaluation, BFD & PFD Methanol is often generated viathe syngas route using various raw materials such as coal and natural gas. As a designengineer, assuming that coal is the chosen raw material, please go through the availabletechnologies for all four steps of methanol production via syngas including: generationof syngas from coal, improvement in its quality, conversion of syngas into methanol andmethanol purification. Show a comparison of available processes by providing theiradvantages/disadvantages and select the most appropriate process. Prepare a block flowdiagram (BFD) and a process flow diagram (PFD) for the chosen process.The report must include: 1. Investigation of available processes and justification of your choice of process. 2. Preparation of a BFD and PFD for the selected process.

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