1. In addition to measuring muscle contraction and neurotransmitter release, it is also possible to use electrodes to measure the conduction of action potentials along a motor neuron. Given the mechanism of action of muse senores, predict what effect each of them would have had on the conduMion of action potentials along the motor neuron In this experiment. Remember to justify your answer. (1.5 marks)
2. What effect do you predict each of these toxins will have on muscle contractions of . blventer muscle In response to motor nerve stimulation? You must lustily your answer including the necessary physiological mechanisms. (1.5 marks)
3. Bel), venomous creature produces slightly different venom which targets different receptors and Ion channels. Would you expect enable that targets muscarinic ACM receptors to have an effect In a chick biventer preparation? Justify your answer including thorough explanation of Oct youth. this is theme. (2 marks)

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