Cognitive Development & the Teenage Brain


Summary: Write 3-4 page written report about one aspect of cognitive development addressed in Chapter 2.

Description: Chapter 2, Cognitive Transitions is loaded with a lot of complicated stuff! For example, this may have been the first time you have been introduced to some of this stuff about brain development, deductive reasoning, hypothetical thinking, and thinking multiple dimensions etc… Select a topic from this chapter that was completely new to you or that you totally did not fully understand until you read the text/reviewed some of the other resources.

Also take into consideration the issues and topics brought up in this week’s reflection forum when writing your essay.

Write a brief paper/narrative (3-4 pages ) on this topic
Focus on why you chose this topic
Focus on why this topic should be of importance to a middle/high school teacher






The post Cognitive Development & the Teenage Brain first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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