Comparison essay on two arts for arts



Write a short essay comparing the two paintings below in the depiction of depth, space, and scale. This essay
should be approximately 200 words long. Make sure you stay focused on the given topic, theme, and issue that
is the basis for your comparison. Also make sure that you discuss both artworks equally and that you make
sure you organize your comparison in a clear, orderly, coherent way with about time given to each artwork. Do
not discuss the two separately without comparing them. Also, make sure that you refer to them clearly in your
essay. Do not refer to them as #1 and #2, left and right, etc. because this gets confusing for the professor and
the students. Instead, mention their titles at the start and a few times later as you continue with one artwork or
switch from one to another.
Perugino, Christ Giving the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to Saint Peter, c. 1480, fresco
Nicholas Poussin, Saint John on the Island of Patmos, c. 1640, oil on canvas


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