1). https://lms.latrobe.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=4017633(this link contains the assignment description)
2.)https://lms.latrobe.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=4017634(this is the rubric)
3.)https://lms.latrobe.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=4017635(this is the link to the FAQ’S i thought u might need it)
4.)https://lms.latrobe.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=4017636(this is an example of one of the assignment’s from last year)
Below is the general description of the assignments with the links to articles.
Assessment 2
Individual written report – research critique
Due Dates: 0900, 7 September 2020
Weighting: 40%
Word Limit: (1,750 Words)
Assignment Requirements
Critique the two papers listed in the assessment tile below. You will need to locate the full text of the papers. These papers should then be critiqued and an essay written in which you compare and contrast the two research articles by:
- Describing the paper’s aim, method, results and conclusions, and
- Discussing the internal validity, external validity, and measurement validity AND/OR rigor/trustworthiness of each paper.
Once you have critically appraised each paper, you should consider what these two papers contribute, relative to each other, to the clinical issue being considered.
Your critique needs to be appropriately referenced using APA (7th) guidelines.
Submit your assessment via the Turnitin link in the “Assessments” area on LMS for grading. It will be graded via Grademark and returned to you via the Turnitin link.
The articles to be critiqued for the assessment are:
Høghaug, G., Skår, R., Tran, T. N., & Schou-Bredal, I. (2019). Nurses’ experiences with newly acquired knowledge about medication management: A qualitative study. Journal of Nursing Management, 27(8), 1731-1737. doi:10.1111/jonm.12864
Huckels-Baumgart, S., Niederberger, M., Manser, T., Meier, C. R., & Meyer-Massetti, C. (2017). A combined intervention to reduce interruptions during medication preparation and double-checking: a pilot-study evaluating the impact of staff training and safety vests. Journal of Nursing Management, 25(7), 539-548. doi:10.1111/jonm.12491

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