This assignment is intended to improve student’s analytical skills in addition to Wireshark utilization to capture data from live network traffic. In the on-going labs, students have learned how to analyze HTTP packets, TCP packets streams, audio streaming with TCP. Students have also learned to identify the performance parameters such as load distribution, throughput graph, time sequence graph, flow graph and window scaling graph. Overview and General Instructions of Assignment It’s a group assignment and students should informed the tutors for the group of five students maximum by the end of Week 1. Students need to use captured Wireshark data (which they already done during their Wireshark labs) to explain the performance of the distributed system behind the given web system. The students need to submit a report. In the report, they need to focus on the effect of different browsing data on graphs, and justify the effect of it. Task – 1 All captures using Wireshark that must include the following for each student: a) Start date-time of capture b) Total number of captured packets for each protocol c) Total Number of lost packets d) IP addresses of the client and server From the (Your home network/MIT lab Network), each student in the group needs to chase and capture three websites in the table below (Table 1), you should capture data for 30 minutes atleast, three trace files per student. Please clearly mention the screenshots of each student in the report. Students have to analyze the performance for each website in regards of: ? Load Distribution ? Throughput Graph ? Time Sequence Graph ? Flow Graph ? Window Scaling Graph The performance analysis requires screenshots of the graphs and statistics generated by Wireshark and the discussion of those screenshots in detail. BN208 Networked Applications Prepared by Dr M Sajjad Akbar Moderated by: Dr Nazmus Nafi T2, 2020 Websites Performance Parameters 1. Any live streaming website or sport website for ongoing match (Football, cricket etc.) 2. 3. o Load Distribution o throughput graph and o Time Sequence graph o Flow graph o Window scaling graph Table 1: Websites, analytical tools/performance parameters Note: You can also demonstrate other statistics that you find to be significant for analyzing this network Task – 2 (Audio packets capturing with analysis) Investigate streaming audio delivery over TCP by listening to Internet live radio and capturing the transmitted packets. From a second network (Home, work, etc.), students have to chase and capture one more website which has an audio stream (such as radio stations, e.g. ). Listen to the audio stream for at least five minutes to capture enough packets for analysis. Students are free to choose any website. Show your performance analysis using Throughput Graph and Time Sequences Graph. Screenshots of the graphs need to be provided and the performance shown in the graph must be discussed in detail by each student.

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