Full range of developer based dynamic software testing.
In Part A, you need to critically analyse the provided case study and design documents to determine the areas of highest product and technical risk. You then need to create a minimal ‘Master Test Plan’ in which you specify the amounts and types of testing you will apply to different aspects of the application.
In Part B, you are required to implement a full range of dynamic tests for a particular use case, ranging from low level unit tests, through at least two levels of integration testing, to system testing.
Part C asks you to engage in some critical reflection on the effectiveness and utility of different aspects of dynamic testing.
Please note that it is recognised that standard practice is to specify user acceptance tests before development activities occur, and to conduct unit testing as classes are initially coded. Unfortunately, the semester timetable makes this impractical.
Also note that the focus in this assignment is on the process and techniques applied, not the complexity of the code. It is recognised that the process applied is ‘way over the top’ for the size of problem addressed.
Finally, please note that the code supplied is deliberately NOT bug free. The purpose of your testing is to expose those bugs. You are specifically instructed NOT to modify the code to eliminate those bugs. You are ONLY to implement and report on the results of your testing.
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You should submit a zip file through Turnitin containing the following:
- A document containing your Master Test Plan
- Your Development Directory containing all source and test code
- A summary document explaining where test files for each section of the assignment can be found
- A document containing your responses to the reflective practice task.

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