SAFEASSIGN WILL BE USED TO CHECK FOR ORIGINALITY Supply Chain Management Select a company of your choice and calculate the most current days of working capital (DWC) that is available. In addition to your calculations, include the information below in your essay. Your essay should be at least two pages in length. § How does this company’s ratio compare to those of its competitors?


Supply Chain Management

Select a company of your choice and calculate the most current days of working capital (DWC) that is available. In addition to your calculations, include the information below in your essay. Your essay should be at least two pages in length.

§ How does this company’s ratio compare to those of its competitors?

§ Why is comparing this ratio to the industry average important?

§ Explain how a well-managed supply chain can come into play here.

You may use the company’s web page,

§ Business Insights: Global,

§ Business Source Ultimate, and

§ ABI/INFORM Collection.


. Use APA format to cite and reference all quoted and paraphrased material, including your textbook. Use a minimum of two sources, Include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and references page. An abstract is not required.

Analyzing -Research Paper
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Analyzing -Research Paper
Background: According to Kirk (2016), typography will have a significant role in your visualizations. You have to be careful with your text, but you must also be concerned with how the text looks. This then leads to color and functional harmony. You must provide the balance of colors in your visualizations (Kirk, 2016). The harmony of colors you select during design will impact many aspects of the overall visualization.

Assignment: Write a research paper that contains the following:

Discuss Typography and the importance of appearance of text
Discuss the following color harmonies: (Usage, Pros, and Cons)
Complementary colors
Analogous colors
Triadic colors
Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.

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Community Health Nursing
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Community Health Nursing
Remember to submit your work following the file naming convention FirstInitial.LastName_M01.docx. For example, J.Smith_M01.docx. Remember that it is not necessary to manually type in the file extension; it will automatically append. Start by reading and following these instructions: 1. Quickly skim the questions or assignment below and the assignment rubric to help you focus. 2. Read the required chapter(s) of the textbook and any additional recommended resources. Some answers may require you to do additional research on the Internet or in other reference sources. Choose your sources carefully. 3. Consider the discussion and the any insights you gained from it. 4. Create your Assignment submission and be sure to cite your sources, use APA style as required, check your spelling. Assignment: Practice Hours: each module has a minimum required practice hours related to your work on the main education project. Practice hours relate to time spent on project work (Discussion Board work does not apply). Document your hours for Module 2 in Project Concert. Access Project Concert. You should have an estimated 10-15 hours for this module. Minimum required hours must be entered into Project Concert for Module 2. Some states/entities require hour logs for certification or employment. It is the student’s professional responsibility to ensure all hours are entered correctly in order to meet these requirements. Please see the Project Concert directions document in the Learning Materials on how to enter hours. Discuss aspects of a health concern not being addressed despite the efforts of services and partnerships involved and describe the ultimate outcome(s) or goal(s) from Healthy People 2020 relating to that specific health concern. Answering the following questions may assist in data interpretation: What similarities are apparent between the data that were gathered and the data that were generated? What differences are apparent between the data that were gathered and the data that were generated? What are the weakness and strengths of this community? In what areas is improvement needed in this community? The assignment should be written in an APA-formatted essay. The essay should be between 1500 and 2000 words in length and include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials.
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Benchmark – Professional Capstone And Practicum Reflective Journal
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Benchmark – Professional Capstone And Practicum Reflective Journal
Students maintained and submitted weekly reflective narratives throughout the course to explore the personal knowledge and skills gained throughout this course. This assignment combines those entries into one course-long reflective journal that integrates leadership and inquiry into current practice as it applies to the Professional Capstone and Practicum course.

This final submission should also outline what students have discovered about their professional practice, personal strengths and weaknesses that surfaced during the process, additional resources and abilities that could be introduced to a given situation to influence optimal outcomes, and, finally, how the student met the competencies aligned to this course.

The final journal should address a variable combination of the following, while incorporating your specific clinical practice experiences:

New practice approaches
Interprofessional collaboration
Health care delivery and clinical systems
Ethical considerations in health care
Practices of culturally sensitive care
Ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients
Population health concerns
The role of technology in improving health care outcomes
Health policy
Leadership and economic models
Health disparities
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide

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type of microsimulation.
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays type of microsimulation.
focus that often relies on national rules. Janssen, Wimmer, and Deljoo (2015) mentions the following types of microsimulations: Arithmetical microsimulation, Behavioral microsimulation, Static simulation models, and Dynamically aging microsimulation models.

Elaborate on each type of microsimulation. Make sure to provide at least one example for types of microsimulation.

Your research paper should be at least 3 pages (800 words), double-spaced, have at least 4 APA references, and typed in an easy-to-read font in MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Your cover page should contain the following: Title, Student’s name, University’s name, Course name, Course number, Professor’s name, and Date.

Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

Reference: Janssen, M., Wimmer, M. A., & Deljoo, A. (Eds.). (2015). Policy practice and digital science: Integrating complex systems, social simulation and public administration in policy research (Vol. 10).

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Human Resources Director
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Human Resources Director
You have applied for a job as Human Resources Director for a state agency. One of the interview panelists does not understand the need for an HR Director or department. As a result, the panel has asked you describe and distinguish among the key functions of HRM. Prepare your response in 400-600 words and paste it into the Assignment box. Include references in APSA format.

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Congestive Heart Failure
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive Heart Failure

Diuretics play a prominent role in managing excessive fluids among patients suffering from chronic kidney and heart failure illnesses. However, their application can result in various adverse nephric and cardiac outcomes. This discussion focuses on determining factors that are necessary for the aged diuretic therapy on the CDK and CHF victims, the prescription processes, and how kidney illnesses impact CHF treatment as well as the medication to be provided.

The first factor when selecting a specific diuretic therapy is considering the acting nature of the diuretic. Great diuretics doubles the preventive control strength while the short-term ones last for a shorter period. For instance, the prolonged nature of chlorthalidone increases the prevention of hypertension and hypokalemia. The other important factor is checking on the disease severity. Patients experiencing severe conditions should be offered a loop or collaborated diuretics (Udani & Koyner, 2016).

The medical practitioner must give out clear guidelines on how the diuretics would prevent or manage the conditions. For instance, in the first factor, the practitioner should explain to the patient the strengths and the duration of the recommended diuretic takes to control the condition. While, in the latter, the practitioner should make the patient understand how the recommended cure inhibits the receptor inhibitors (Udani & Koyner, 2016).

Renal insufficiency leads to unfavorable cardiovascular results. Patients undergoing CHF medication may experience an extended treatment duration if affected by this disorder. This is because the disease causes fractures on the left ventricles and lowers the levels of serum creatine. In combating this condition, clinicians should adopt treatment mechanisms that aim at regulating the fluid overload by using diuretics such as, angiotensin which converts the enzyme inhibitors and carrying out dialysis to prevent the condition (Sarnak, 2017).


Sarnak, M. J. (2017). A patient with heart failure and worsening kidney function. CJASN, 9(10), 1790-1798. Retrieved from

Udani, S. M., & Koyner, J. L. (2016). The effects of heart failure on renal function. HHS Public Access, 28(3), 453-465. Retrieved from

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the theories of unemployment
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays the theories of unemployment
Tips for Writing Assignment #3: Unemployment

Write a coherent essay, including an introductory paragraph with thesis statement, supporting paragraphs with main statements, transitioning between paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.
Be sure to answer the writing prompt clearly and directly. Otherwise, your assignment will be given a grade of zero (0) for being off-topic.
Use vocabulary words from your textbook to show your mastery of the economic concepts in your essay. Elaborate your main points.
Please note all submissions are automatically checked for originality. Plagiarizing your essay will result in an automatic grade of zero (0).
Continue to submit attempts until you are satisfied with your score. Remember you have unlimited attempts until the deadline.
Review the feedback provided by MyTutor after each submission. Address each issue recommended for improvement in your subsequent attempt.
Please allow yourself the time necessary to resubmit the assignment, until YOU are satisfied with your score.


Here are four individuals telling you their stories of how they became unemployed. In a multi-paragraph essay, apply the theories of unemployment (cyclical unemployment, frictional unemployment, seasonal unemployment, structural unemployment) to explain the type of unemployment that each of these individuals is facing and explain which of these individuals qualifies for unemployment benefits:

1. Two months ago, Marcelle used to work full time in an automobile manufacturing firm. “The factory where I used to work has closed because our market contracted so much, and so I was laid off. This is happening to people all over the country-all you see in the papers is that economic growth has fallen and incomes across the country have fallen. I have been looking very hard for a new job, but have had no luck yet.”

2. Until last week, Dominic used to work full time as a hair-dresser in downtown Cincinnati. “I decided to quit my job, because I want to move to New York City.”

3.Until last month, Francine worked part time at a ski resort. “Well, it is summer now, and so the resort is closed. I will apply again in the winter when the snow is back. I am not interested in working until then.”

4.Two months ago, Beauvoir had been working full time as a secretary. “I was a good typist, but I don’t know how to use a computer. My boss wanted to upgrade the office to computers, and so I was replaced by someone who is computer-savvy. I have been looking for another job, but it appears that I need to learn some computer skills.”

Develop a response that includes examples and evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the required message to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manner as appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences, audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard American English.

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The implementation of ACA
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays The implementation of ACA
The implementation of ACA and the introduction of triple aim are forces that are influencing the healthcare delivery system in the United States (Marshall & Broome, 2017). Management of healthcare costs is one of the goals of the triple aim and can be a reason for managing the competing needs within the organization. Implementing cost containment has been the strategy of most organizations to maintain economic healthcare stability (Jones, Bae, Murry, & Hamilton, 2015). The competing needs of the workforce, resources, and patients may impact the development of policy. Most hospitals are operating under the business model of healthcare which is focusing on providing quality care with the least amount of costs to the organization. The value-based payment (VBP) is an initiative by CMS to incentivize hospitals and providers to invest in strategies that improve the quality of care and patient outcomes (Jones et al., 2015). In the case of adverse events within the hospitals, there will be a penalty and no payments to the hospitals. This penalty would affect the financial operation of the hospitals. This business model type of healthcare requires reductions in either workforce or resources and promotes standardized approaches that often have inflexible policies and regulations (Kelly & Porr, 2018). The result of these policies can frequently provide little room for tailoring and accommodating holistic patient care needs (Kelly & Porr, 2018).

Adoption of new technological innovations such as health IT can be a competing need that can temporarily impact nurse staffing issues. Investing in resources that can improve quality care requires a strategy such as reductions in the workforce to accommodate the adoption of EHR financially. The adoption of EHR, one which promotes meaningful use, can provide financial incentives to the organization (Marshall & Broome, 2017). Although the adoption of EHR might seem to be a competing need within an organization, the effect of it can boost Medicare reimbursement. The other positive impact of health IT is an improvement in the performance of interdisciplinary communication, a decrease in adverse patient events and improved patient satisfaction (Hessels, Flynn, Cimiotti, Bakken, & Gershon, 2015). Depending on the quality of the technology and the leadership effort, the negative impact can also occur during the implementation process. Organizational policies need to address the issues related to the implications of the competing needs between the adoption of EHR and the shortage of nurse staffing within an organization. A well designed EHR, one that is supportive of the nursing work environment, will improve patient care and improve staff satisfaction. Policies must promote a strong fundamental quality of care (Hessels et al., 2015), such as adequate staffing and resources to improve quality care and reduce costs. The organizational administration must implement training programs to the staff and professionals in the implementation of EHR to prevent negative impact and to meet the demands of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA) and Affordable Care Act (ACA) (Hessels et al., 2015). Meeting the provisions of ARRA and the ACA, which establish the VBP program, can enhance the financial capacity of an organization and will likely improve the nurse staffing issues. And as a result, it can achieve the quadruple aim in healthcare.

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March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays SafeAssign
SafeAssign will be used to check for originality

Your paper should be a minimum of three pages, but no more than five, not counting title and reference pages. Make sure that you divide the paper using APA section headings and that you directly respond to each part of the question and are accurate and complete. Use at least 3 scholarly sources. Use APA format for your paper, including all references and in-text citations. Submit on word document.

The purpose of this case study is to research and complete a thorough analysis of the Exclusionary Rule. Your paper will summarize the Exclusionary Rule and analyze the concepts below.

Your paper should discuss the following questions:

§ What is the Exclusionary Rule?

§ How was it created?

§ Why was it created?

§ What is the purpose of the Exclusionary Rule?

§ Why does it only apply to criminal cases and not to civil cases?

§ Is the Exclusionary Rule effective in achieving the stated reasons for its creation? Are there better alternative ways to achieve that goal?

§ Does the rule deter law enforcement from conducting illegal searches and searches in violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Fourth Amendment?

§ What parameters and remedies are in place to prevent violation of the exclusionary rule?

§ What is qualified immunity, and how does it directly correlate with the exclusionary rule?

§ What impact did Mapp v. Ohio and the United States v. Leon have on the Exclusionary Rule?

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Impact On The Law On Patient Care Issues
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Impact On The Law On Patient Care Issues
Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 8 (Guido, p. 150)
Is the patient correct in asserting that he has a right to know the names and status of individuals who will be performing this procedure?
Does the manner in which the student introduced herself and the two other team members have relevance in this case?
Was the informed consent deficient to the degree that there was a lack of informed consent by the patient?
How would you decide this case?
A patient is admitted to your surgical center for a breast biopsy under local anesthesia. The surgeon has previously informed the patient of the procedure, risks, alternatives, desired outcomes, and possible complications. You give the surgery permit form to the patient for her signature. She readily states that she knows about the procedure and has no additional questions; she signs the form with no hesitation. Her husband, who is visiting with her, says he is worried that something may be said during the procedure to alarm his wife. What do you do at this point? Do you alert the surgeon that informed consent has not been obtained? Do you request that the surgeon revisit the patient and reinstruct her about the surgery? Since the patient has already signed the form, is there anything more you should do?
Now consider the ethical issues that such a scenario raises. Which ethical principles is the husband in this example most portraying? Which ethical principles should guide the nurse in working with this patient and family member?

Jimmy Chang, a 20- year- old college student, is admitted to your institution for additional chemotherapy. Jimmy was diagnosed with leukemia 5 years earlier and has had several courses of chemotherapy. He is currently in an acute active phase of the disease, though he had enjoyed a 14- month remission phase prior to this admission. His parents, who accompany him to the hospital, are divided as to the benefits of additional chemotherapy. His mother is adamant that she will sign the informed consent form for this course of therapy, and his father is equally adamant that he will refuse to sign the informed consent form because “Jimmy has suffered enough.”
You are his primary nurse and must assist in somehow resolving this impasse. What do you do about the informed consent form? Who signs and why? Using the MORAL model, decide the best course of action for Jimmy from an ethical perspective rather than a legal perspective. Did you come to the same conclusion using both an ethical and a legal approach?

Please combine all of these responses into a single Microsoft Word document for submission

Please submit only complete assignments (not partial or “draft” assignments). Submit only the assignments corresponding to the module in this section.

You are not required to adhere to the 500-1000 word count for each of the responses, but please be thorough in your responses so that you adequately address all aspects of each question

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Skills For Recruitment
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Skills For Recruitment
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

After completing this week’s reading, discuss ways management can attract, select, and recruit diverse employees in an organization. Create a scenario in which you use specific strategies to attract, select, and recruit diverse employees for your organization. Identify a strategy you could use.

In your response to your peers, offer a different approach to the scenario provided. How does your suggest approach offer additional strategies?

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Summary & Critical Response Essay
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Summary & Critical Response Essay
Summary and critical response for Unite 2 and 3 I think the total of 150 to 200 summary and 400 to 500 words for critical response. The article is pages 260-262 of your 10th edition textbook working at MacDonalds

** NOTE: Both sections of this assignment (the Summary and the Critical Response) should be saved asONE DOCUMENT in the file name format described below.

Please submit your Summary & Critical Response Essay here as an attachment for grading. Before you post your Summary & Critical Response Essay,be sure to save your work with the following file name:

Yourlastname Yourfirstname Summary Response

For example, if I were turning in my Unit #3 Summary & Critical Response Essay, I would save it to my computer with the following file name:

Johnstun Mary Summary Response

REMINDER: The Summary & Critical Response Essay is covered in Units #2 & #3, and it is due at the end of Unit #3.

Please consult the syllabus for a complete list of due dates. This list is also available under course announcements.

Formatting Basics: In terms of formatting, 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font, and double-spacing are the basics that are generally preferred in academic writing. It is also helpful to indent the first line of each new paragraph. In terms of the program you use to save your work, Microsoft Word is preferred, but please just let me know if you have questions about other acceptable programs.

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Nursing Leadership And Management
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Nursing Leadership And Management
In this assignment, you will be writing a 1,000-1,250 word paper describing the differing approaches of nursing leaders and managers to issues in practice. To complete this assignment, do the following:

Select an issue from the following list: bullying, unit closers and restructuring, floating, nurse turnover, nurse staffing ratios, use of contract employees (i.e., registry and travel nurses), or magnet designation.
Describe the selected issue. Discuss how it impacts quality of care and patient safety in the setting in which it occurs.
Discuss how professional standards of practice should be demonstrated in this situation to help rectify the issue or maintain professional conduct.
Explain the differing roles of nursing leaders and nursing managers in this instance and discuss the different approaches they take to address the selected issue and promote patient safety and quality care. Support your rationale by using the theories, principles, skills, and roles of the leader versus manager described in your readings.
Discuss what additional aspects mangers and leaders would need to initiate in order to ensure professionalism throughout diverse health care settings while addressing the selected issue.
Describe a leadership style that would best address the chosen issue. Explain why this style could be successful in this setting.
Use at least three peer-reviewed journal articles other than those presented in your text or provided in the course.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:


1.1: Exemplify professionalism in diverse health care settings.

1.3: Exercise professional nursing leadership and management roles in the promotion of patient safety and quality care.

3.4: Demonstrate professional standards of practice.

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Literary Analysis
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Literary Analysis
Short Story Analysis

Choose a short story from ( ) and write a 4-5 page analysis of your subject. Your thesis should put forward an arguable interpretation and/or evaluation of the text’s impact or significance based on a close reading of the short story.

. Now we will turn our analysis skills to a creative fictional story. Rather than talking about premises, conclusions, and so on, you can discuss some of the following elements:

Rhetorical devices used by the writer
Figures of speech used by the writer
Tone and mood of the piece
Structure of the story
Symbols and imagery used by the writer
How ambiguity is purposely used by the writer
Your essay should:

Have a compelling, original title.
Put forward a thesis that asserts an arguable claim about the text you have chosen.
Support your thesis with well-developed and clearly organized paragraphs that develop specific evidence from your primary text and secondary sources using a balance of clearly attributed and properly documented summary, paraphrase, and short quotation. (See literary analysis structure tips on the next page.)
Include your primary source (the story) and at least two additional secondary sources from databases that support your observations and analysis of the text, such as a scholarly article on your selected subject, author, or related topic (3 sources total).
Be at least 4 pages in length, submitted in MLA format with in-text citations and a separate Works Cited page.
This type of paper is considered a literary analysis.

Here are some sample thesis statements that could work for an assignment like this.

The “The Cask of Amontillado” finds its significance in exploring the Montresor’s psychological issues and ambiguous story-telling.
In “The Birth-Mark,” the psyche of Georgiana changes throughout the story, showcasing the decline of her mental health. This piece of literature shows how love alters one’s perspective, changing completely the way that someone sees themselves.
The plight of women is creatively expressed in “The Story of an Hour” through imagery and figures of speech.
Literary Analysis Tips

Literary analysis just means that you are analyzing literature. You should still follow essay structure: 1) intro that ends in a thesis, 2) focused body paragraphs, and 3) a conclusion. But there are a few unique conventions of the literary analysis that may be helpful for you to review.

Introduction (1 paragraph):

Your intro needs to hook the reader, just like a normal paper would. Since this is a literary paper, though, you also want the intro to provide relevant background information. After the hook, your intro should include the author’s name, the title of the story, and a 1-2 sentence summary of the story that names any main characters you plan to talk about. After that, you want to end your intro with the thesis.

To review, your intro should include:

· Hook, such as a startling piece of information, a meaningful quote, a vivid description, or a metaphor

· Author’s name

· Title: Short stories appear in quote marks, such as “A Pair of Tickets,” and books appear in italics, such as Heart of Darkness. All major words should be capitalized.

· Short summary of the story which names the 1-2 main characters. 1-2 sentences max; don’t go wild.

· Thesis: 1-2 sentences stating your overall argument.

Body Paragraphs (1 or more paragraphs):

Your body paragraphs will provide evidence of your thesis. In literary analysis, however, your main evidence is the text itself. So your “evidence” will be quotes from the stories or a paraphrase of dialogue or action.

A body paragraph will include:

· Topic Sentence: The first sentence will state the paragraph’s main point (it should support your thesis).

· Context of the Quote/Paraphrase: You are about to use something from the text as evidence, so make sure you properly introduce it. Tell the reader who is speaking (if it’s a quote) and what is happening in the story at the moment you are going to talk about.

· Quote or Paraphrase: If using a quote, introduce with a signal phrase. Make sure to use MLA in-text citations for quotes and paraphrase.

· Commentary: Your interpretation of the quote/paraphrase and how it connects to your topic sentence.

· Clincher: The last sentence of a body paragraph in a literary analysis often tries to tie everything together and connect it back to the thesis.

You do not have to follow this exact format every single time, but it can be a helpful guide.

Conclusion (1 paragraph):

· Restate your thesis in new words

· Discuss the greater significance of your argument

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American History Essay
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays American History Essay
Answer two (2) of the following three (3) questions.

Specify which questions you are answering.

Follow the directions as stated in the formatting sheet which can be found in the lessons section.

The exam must be posted in text, word or PDF format. If I cannot open the exam a grade of “F” will be assigned. Late exams will NOT be accepted.

Be specific in your answer and use examples.

Do not simply cut and paste long sections from the notes, textbook, or any other source.

If sources other than the textbook or notes are used, they must be sourced. Also, any quotes used must have a note.

Each question should be a minimum of four (4) full pages not including and source page.

Did Great Britain lose more than it gained from its victory in the French and Indian War? Describe the response of the colonists to the British policy from 1763 to 1776. How did this effect the American Colonies? Did Great Britain have an alternative path?
Was George Washington the “indispensable” man for the revolution and as the first President of the country? What was his impact in the Revolution? Discuss the presidency of George Washington and include examples of his domestic and foreign policies. Do these examples help or hurt the new nation?
Describe and analyze the consequences of the exchange of goods, technology, and bacteria between the Old and New Worlds. How did this affect the American Colonies and then the United States? Did geography greatly affect the development of colonial America?
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terms of distributive justice
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays terms of distributive justice
Rawls argues that we should decide the terms of distributive justice behind what he calls a “veil of ignorance” so as not to advantage our own position. Thus, if we carried out his thought experiment, we would not neglect the interests of disadvantaged minorities (as utilitarians might) since we would be acknowledging the possibility that we ourselves might be among them. In such a frame of mind, we would tend to support basic social services including minimum wages and public education etc. to make sure that the least advantaged members of society would be maximally benefitted. Do you agree that this is a good way to define distributive justice? Also, do you think it is really possible for each of us to imagine ourselves in very different socio-economic positions than we already have? Justify your answer.

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Women and Disasters
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Women and Disasters
1. Chapter 4 in Women and Disasters outlines the nine stages of the disaster cycle. List and define each stage as explained in the text, then identify how these stages are presented in Setting the Stage for Disaster: Women in New Orleans Before and After Katrina.

2. The nine stages of the disaster cycle builds upon the cyclical four phase model used by a majority of disaster programs, focusing on preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation. How does this expansion help us better understand the social vulnerability of disasters?

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International Marketing Term Project
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays International Marketing Term Project

You can choose a consumer or an industrial product which can be a good or a service. You can

take the point of view of either a domestic business making an entry into a foreign market, or a

foreign business making an entry into a foreign market.

Suggested Report Format

Report Structure

a) Title Page (with individual name/names of all group members)

b) Table of Contents

c) Introduce your product or service

d) Situation analysis (SWOT) – 1 page

e) Developing competitive advantage of the company(maximum: 2 pages)

f) New product/service’s target market (maximum: 4 pages)

– Segmentation

– The specific foreign environment: seven forces.

g) Marketing Mix (Price, Place, Product and Promotion) of your product/service (maximum: 2


h) Appendices (include research sources, secondary data information/articles, or any other

relevant supporting materials

Format: Typewritten, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman/Arial, and 1 inch

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Topic: The history of Chinese cinema and the characteristics of each period
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Topic: The history of Chinese cinema and the characteristics of each period
Topic: The history of Chinese cinema and the characteristics of each period

What the professor is looking for:


The richness of the content.

The depth of the exploration.

The logic of the reasoning.

The coherence of the writing.

The concreteness of the materials used.

Relevance of the examples used.

Artistic presentation of the writing if you can come up with any.

6-8 pages MLA

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Risk Index Worksheet For Comparing And Prioritizing Risks
March 11, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Risk Index Worksheet For Comparing And Prioritizing Risks
We have almost completed the process of developing our HVA. Once an Emergency Manager had completed the HVA and it has been approved by the community partners and organizations you would publish it for those involved in Emergency Management. To get there you need to ensure that you have a priority assigned to each of the hazards. You need this to also assist you in your mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery activities. For this assignment, I want you to complete the Risk Index Worksheet for Comparing and Prioritizing Risks for each type of hazard; natural, technological, and manmade.

Download the EDMG101 HVA Risk Index.xlsx. This contains a cover sheet and 3 blank tabs to fill–Natural, Technological, and Human.
Fill out your name and date on the cover tab.
Copy the hazards you identified in all 3 tabs from the HVA Vulnerability workbook. Use the drop-down values in each of the column categories. Type in any special characteristics & planning conditions. Determine and set the risk priority.
Add your first initial and last name to the filename. ie: AJones HVA Risk Index.xlsx
Submit here in the classroom.
Course : Managerial Accounting
March 10, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Course : Managerial Accounting

Discuss the importance of managerial accounting as “decision-making tool” in your organization.

Instructions: 1.Make sure to provide a clear paragraphs of minimum introduction and discussion part conclusion of your explanation(above 350 words in total) with 2 peer reviewed references of last 3 years.

2. Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. Respond to at least 3 of your classmates’ posts. (Each posting should be 150 words, It should include the stuff like supporting their discussion and

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

• Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

• Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Campbellsville University Library.

• Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

• Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

• Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.)

Study Materials Link:


Chapter1: Introduction to Managerial Accounting:

Capter2: Job Order Costing:

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Personal Narrative Prompts
March 10, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Personal Narrative Prompts
Use the words below the files and write a 300 words Personal Narrative Prompts

Pick one of the following prompts to help you compose your piece.

1. Tell about a time that you learned something new about yourself. How did you feel

before? After?

2. Describe a time when you realized you were no longer a child. What happened?

Who was there?

3. Relate a story about a time when you felt challenged by life circumstances. How did you make it through?

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Persuasive Essay Assignment
March 10, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Persuasive Essay Assignment
Persuasive Essay Assignment

Grading Rubric – You will be graded on how well you:
State your position on the topic
Describe the points in support, including your position and other evidence
Anticipate and address readers’ concerns and arguments against your position
Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization (1 point each)
Formatting (2 points each)
Paper Guidelines
Paper should not exceed 7 pages. PAPERS LESS THAN 5 Pages and MORE THAN 7 Pages, WILL RECEIVE AN AUTOMATIC ZERO!!
Times New Roman, 12 pt. font
Double Spaced. Do not add spaces between paragraphs
1 inch margins all around. This is not the automatic setting for Word. Pay Attention!
Stapled upper left hand corner
Reference/ Work cited page: Minimum 3 ( Does not Count as part of 5 page minimum.
Instructor’s Name
Class Date and Time
Must Turn Online via Blackboard under the assignments tab (No excuses)!!
Proofread and Edit.
Revise – Have you used specific details to persuade me?
Have you answered questions that your audience might make?
Do you have a thesis?
Does the ending contain a clear call to action?
Did you include transitional words and phrases?
Did you check for nominalizations? Passive Voice? Faulty Predications? Subject / Verb Agreements?
Reference in APA style
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IBM iView Document Center
March 10, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays IBM iView Document Center
In this scenario, you have been hired as networking consultant by a nonprofit organization that needs to relocate their main office to a new building across town. The new location will consist of 40 users. The organization has a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policy, so workers will need both a wired network for their desktop computers and a wireless network for their mobile devices.

The network will also consist of one IBM iView Document Center and two HP 4230 LaserJet printers, which need to be networked and accessible using both the wired and the wireless network.

Before the physical work can begin, you will need to make several recommendations to the client. Your recommendations should include the elements listed below. ·

Beneficiaries: Write a description of who will derive direct benefit from the project and how they will benefit. ·
Deliverables: Write a description of the computer network hardware necessary to set up the computer network and the necessary software and protocols. Your deliverables will contain the following features:
type of NIC (wired or wireless),
routers or wireless access points or both,
cables and connectors to implement a physical network,
any other needed network hardware,
physical and logical network topologies,
Internet Protocol (IP) version (IPv4 or IPv6) and the reason it was selected,
IP address pool for the network,
Domain Name System (DNS) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), and
any other network software component.
Ensure your case study is at least three pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Your paper should be double-spaced, use 12-point Times New Roman font, and contain one-inch margins. Section headings are encouraged to help organize your paper. Your paper must be written using APA format.

Cite a minimum of three sources, two of which should be peer-reviewed, academic, or scholarly to support your responses. At least one source should come from the CSU Online Library. All sources used, including the e-textbooks, must be cited.

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HR management transform
March 10, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays HR management transform
Ask-1 350 words with 2-3 apa citations

Why must HR management transform from being primarily administrative and operational to a more strategic contributor in the 21st Century?


Ask -2 350 words with 2-3 apa citations

Discuss how globalization has impacted the corporate culture in an organization where you have worked or know about. Identify the role of HR in building culture.


Ask -3 – (part one – 1000 words and part -2 300 words ) with 3 apa citations

Ask -3- Part 1: Financial Acumen

Keeping abreast of the financial measures and metrics employed by a company allows employees to better understand its health and position at any given time.

1. Review at least three (3) articles on financial acuity. Summarize the articles in 1000 words. Use APA formatting throughout including in-text citations and references.

2. Discuss the benefits of establishing solid financial acumen in a company? Discuss your personal experiences in a situation where financial acumen was either not supported as an organizational hallmark or, conversely, was built into the company’s culture.

Ask-3-Part 2: Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)

Write a 300-word commentary on Sarbanes Oxley and the importance this act has for American businesses today. Your commentary should include the following:

A. Rationale for SOX
B. Provisions of SOX
C. Enforcement of SOX

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Discussion: Organizational Policies And Practices To Support Healthcare Issues
March 10, 2020Academic Writing, Buy Cheap Essays Discussion: Organizational Policies And Practices To Support Healthcare Issues
Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations.

For example, the use of 12-hour shifts has been a strategy to retain nurses. However, evidence suggests that as nurses work more hours in a shift, they commit more errors. How do effective leaders find a balance between the needs of the organization and the needs of ensuring quality, effective, and safe patient care?

In this Discussion, you will reflect on a national healthcare issue and examine how competing needs may impact the development of polices to address that issue.

To Prepare:

Review the Resources and think about the national healthcare issue/stressor you previously selected for study in Module 1. My healthcare issue/stressor is the looming faculty shortages.
Reflect on the competing needs in healthcare delivery as they pertain to the national healthcare issue/stressor you previously examined.
Post an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy. Then, describe any specific competing needs that may impact the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected. What are the impacts, and how might policy address these competing needs? Be specific and provide examples.

Answers all parts of the discussion question(s) expectations with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.

Supported by at least three current, credible sources.

Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

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policy approach
March 10, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays policy approach
Final Policy Analysis Paper

In most instances, you will not have the final say on which policy approach will be adopted by an organization. That choice usually falls to elected officials or to department heads. In this final policy analysis paper, you assume the position of a mid-level or senior-level public administrator who is tasked with identifying a specific problem tied to an organization’s mission, developing and weighing alternative approaches for addressing the problem, then providing insights into how to determine if a proposed alternative is successful at some later date.

Review the following attachments to understand the topic of the paper and information for this paper for the Indiana Department Child Services: Cost Benefit Analysis Assignment Paper; Identifying the Problems Assignment; Annotated Outline; and Information from Discussion 1 and 2.

In this course, you have examined a problem in detail, from differing perspectives, during varied discussions and assignments. In this final policy analysis paper, you are tying all those threads together into a single, cohesive paper.

In your final paper:

· Identify a specific problem that a public organization must address and analyze it, providing examples of the potential consequences to the community if the problem is left unaddressed.

· Discuss how that problem is tied to the organizational mission.

· Identify various factors that might influence the development and continuation of this problem in the community.

· Identify and evaluate at least three alternatives that might be used to eliminate or minimize this problem in this community, using a cost-benefit analysis. One of the alternatives must be the status quo.

· Evaluate the identified alternatives in terms of the potential staffing, funding, logistical support, and authority the public agency will need to implement each of the identified alternatives.

· Analyze how each of the proposed alternatives will meet the needs of the community, including diverse groups within the community.

· Analyze the importance of conducting the policy analysis in an ethical manner, ensuring that all efforts of the organization are directed at mission attainment.

· Analyze metrics that might be used to determine success for each of the alternatives if it is implemented in the future.

Assignment Requirements

· Resources: Your ideas must be supported with recent, scholarly sources that are properly cited and referenced in APA style.

· Number of pages: Your assignment should be at least 18 pages, double-spaced, excluding the cover page, abstract (if included), and references.

· APA style and format: All materials must be submitted in APA style and format (see Faculty Expectations for further information on APA).

o Remember, adherence to APA requires that all statements of objective fact that are not considered common knowledge must be supported by a credible source (using both a citation and a reference).

· Font: Times New Roman 12-point.

· Introduction and Conclusion: Remember to include both an introductory paragraph and a paragraph of conclusions. This is a fundamental requirement of proper, standard American English.

· SafeAssign: Be sure you have reviewed the SafeAssign report of your draft and corrected any academic honesty issues before submitting your assignment.

· Important: Earlier courseroom activities, including discussions and assignments, were designed to help in the development of this final policy analysis paper. You are free to integrate materials from those earlier discussions and assignments into this final paper. However, do not simply cut and paste materials in their entirety. The final paper must be a standalone project on its own, which means you can integrate the materials as needed, but the organization and flow must represent that of a single research paper.

o The Capella policy on academic honesty does not recognize self-plagiarism. You are free to integrate materials from previous courses at Capella into this final paper without citing them as if they were the works of others. However, if materials have been published elsewhere, including other schools, professional journals, et cetera, the materials must be cited as published works in a manner consistent with APA formatting.

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differences between Liberalism and Conservatism
March 6, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays differences between Liberalism and Conservatism
Explain the differences between Liberalism and Conservatism. Does ideology really make a difference in the United States today? Support your reasoning with examples. How does this impact American culture, government and politics in your opinion? You will be expected to support your discussion with primary texts and from pre-approved secondary sources (including, but not limited to, the course text, online lectures, and a list of suggested online resources). Your paper should be 6-8 pages in length and include proper APA citation. You should utilize information provided from each week of the course thus far to complete your essay.

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Stakeholder Presentation
March 6, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Stakeholder Presentation
For this assessment you will create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the third assessment.

As a current or future nurse leader, you may be called upon to present to stakeholders and leadership about projects that you have been involved in or wish to implement. The ability to communicate a plan—and potential implications of not pursuing such a plan—to stakeholders effectively can be critically important in creating awareness and buy-in, as well as building your personal and professional brand in your organization. It is equally important that you know how to create compelling presentations for others’ delivery and ensure that they convey the same content you would deliver if you were the presenter.

You are encouraged to complete the Evidence-Based Practice: Basics and Guidelines activity before you develop the presentation. This activity consists of six questions that will create the opportunity to check your understanding of the fundamentals of evidence-based practice as well as ways to identify EBP in practice. The information gained from completing this formative will help promote success in the Stakeholder Presentation and demonstrate courseroom engagement—it requires just a few minutes of your time and is not graded.

Demonstration of Proficiency
Competency 1: Explain strategies for managing human and financial resources to promote organizational health.
Explain how the interdisciplinary plan could be implemented and how the human and financial resources would be managed.
Competency 2: Explain how interdisciplinary collaboration can be used to achieve desired patient and systems outcomes.
Explain an organizational or patient issue for which a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach would help achieve a specific improvement goal.
Competency 3: Describe ways to incorporate evidence-based practice within an interdisciplinary team.
Summarize an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to address an organizational or patient issue.
Propose evidence-based criteria that could be used to evaluate the degree to which the project was successful in achieving the improvement goal.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based communication strategies to impact patient, interdisciplinary team, and systems outcomes.
Communicate the PowerPoint presentation of the interdisciplinary improvement plan to stakeholders in a professional, respectful manner, with writing that is clear, logically organized, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.
Professional Context
This assessment will provide you with an opportunity to sharpen your ability to create a professional presentation to stakeholders. In this presentation, you will explain the Plan-Do-Study-Act cycle and how it can be used to introduce the plan (P), implement the plan (D), study the effectiveness of the plan (S), and act on what is learned (A) to drive continuous improvement. By using this cycle, the stakeholders will have a tool and a proposal to expand on these ideas to drive workplace change and create improved processes to solve an interprofessional collaboration problem.

In addition to summarizing the key points of Assessments 2 and 3, you will provide stakeholders and/or leadership with an overview of project specifics as well as how success would be evaluated—you will essentially be presenting a discussion of the Plan, Do, and Study parts of the PDSA cycle. Again, you will not be expected to execute the project, so you will not have any results to study. However, by carefully examining the ways in which your plan could be carried out and evaluated, you will get some of the experience of the thinking required for PDSA.

When creating your PowerPoint for this assessment, it is important to keep in mind the target audience: your interviewee’s organizational leadership. The overall goal of this assessment is to create a presentation that your interviewee could potentially give in his or her organization.

Please follow the Capella Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX]. If you need technical information on using PowerPoint, refer to Capella University Library: PowerPoint Presentations.

Be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

Explain an organizational or patient issue for which a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach would help achieve a specific improvement goal.
Summarize an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to address an organizational or patient issue.
Explain how the interdisciplinary plan could be implemented and how the human and financial resources would be managed.
Propose evidence-based criteria that could be used to evaluate the degree to which the project was successful in achieving the improvement goal.
Communicate the PowerPoint presentation of the interdisciplinary improvement plan to stakeholders in a professional manner, with writing that is clear, logically organized, and respectful with correct grammar and spelling using current APA style.
There are various ways to structure your presentation; following is one example:

Part 1: Organizational or Patient Issue.
What is the issue that you are trying to solve or improve?
Why should the audience care about solving it?
Part 2: Relevance of an Interdisciplinary Team Approach.
Why is using an interdisciplinary team relevant, or the best approach, to addressing the issue?
How will it help to achieve improved outcomes or reach a goal?
Part 3: Interdisciplinary Plan Summary.
What is the objective?
How likely is it to work?
What will the interdisciplinary team do?
Part 4: Implementation and Resource Management.
How could the plan be implemented to ensure effective use of resources?
How could the plan be managed to ensure that resources were not wasted?
How does the plan justify the resource expenditure?
Part 5: Evaluation.
What would a successful outcome of the project look like?
What are the criteria that could be used to measure that success?
How could this be used to show the degree of success?
Again, keep in mind that your audience for this presentation is a specific group (or groups) at your interviewee’s organization and tailor your language and messaging accordingly. Remember, also, that another person will ultimately be giving the presentation. Include thorough speaker’s notes that flesh out the bullet points on each slide.

Additional Requirements
Number of slides: Plan on using one or two slides for each part of your presentation as needed, so the content of your presentation will be 8–12 slides in length. Remember that slides should contain concise talking points, and you will use presenter’s notes to go into detail. Be sure to include a reference slide as the last slide of your presentation.
Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your central ideas. Resources should be no more than five years old.
APA formatting: Make sure that in-text citations on your slides and in your notes pages and reference slide reflect current APA Style and Format.
Note: Faculty may use the Writing Feedback Tool when grading this assessment. The Writing Feedback Tool is designed to provide you with guidance and resources to develop your writing based on five core skills. You will find writing feedback in the Scoring Guide for the assessment, once your work has been evaluated.

Grading Requirements:

1. Explain an organizational or patient issue for which a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach would help achieve a specific improvement goal.

Passing Grade: Explains an organizational or patient issue for which a collaborative interdisciplinary team approach would help achieve a specific improvement goal, noting potential consequences of not addressing the issue.

2. Summarize an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to address an organizational or patient issue.

Passing Grade: Summarizes an evidence-based interdisciplinary plan to address an organizational or patient issue, noting specific sources of evidence used to develop the plan.

3. Explain how the interdisciplinary plan could be implemented and how the human and financial resources would be managed.

Passing Grade: Explains how the interdisciplinary plan could be implemented and how the human and financial resources would be managed, providing real-world examples relevant to the context of the health care organization.

4. Propose evidence-based criteria to evaluate the degree to which the project was successful in achieving the improvement goal.

Passing Grade: Proposes evidence-based criteria to evaluate the degree to which the project was successful in achieving the improvement goal, noting specific sources of evidence used to develop the criteria.

5. Communicate the PowerPoint presentation of the interdisciplinary improvement plan to stakeholders in a professional, respectful manner, with writing that is clear, logically organized, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

Passing Grade: Communicates the PowerPoint presentation of the interdisciplinary improvement plan to stakeholders in a professional, respectful manner, with writing that is clear, logically organized, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style with no errors.

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March 6, 2020Buy Cheap Essays
For this assignment, “My Personal Classroom Management Plan” assignment. This rough draft should now include sections 1-6.


2- Student Engagement Strategies

3- My Philosophy of Classroom Management

4- Classroom Procedures – Include your rationale explaining how procedures minimize distractions and maximize instructional time.

5- Rules, Consequences, and Reward System – Include the lists and the rationale that explains how the system will help create a safe and productive learning environment.

6- Classroom Arrangement and Cooperative Learning: Include your classroom arrangement and rationale from this topic.

Include at least 3-5 scholarly resources you used to create your classroom management plan.

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My Personal Classroom Management Plan”
March 6, 2020Buy Cheap Essays
For this assignment, “My Personal Classroom Management Plan” assignment. This rough draft should now include sections 1-6.


2- Student Engagement Strategies

3- My Philosophy of Classroom Management

4- Classroom Procedures – Include your rationale explaining how procedures minimize distractions and maximize instructional time.

5- Rules, Consequences, and Reward System – Include the lists and the rationale that explains how the system will help create a safe and productive learning environment.

6- Classroom Arrangement and Cooperative Learning: Include your classroom arrangement and rationale from this topic.

Include at least 3-5 scholarly resources you used to create your classroom management plan.

March 6, 2020Buy Cheap Essays
Reflect on the assigned readings for the week.

1) Identify what you thought was the one most important concept(s), method(s), and/or specific item that you felt was worthy of your understanding from the Key Terms on page 340 (DO NOT select any of the following terms for this assignment: Project scheduling, Scope or Work Breakdown Structure).

2) Discuss in detail what the selected term means, how it is used and other pertinent information about the selected term including a specific example, application or case study from your own experience. Be specific; not vague or general.

3) Provide a detailed discussion of why you thought this selection is important and how it relates overall to scheduling projects.

Respond to the post of at least two peers, using 100 words minimum each.

Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion.

Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review. Do not use lists or bullet points. This will result in substantial loss of points in the Substance section and the Requirements section.

Your initial posting should be completed by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. EST. All peer replies must be completed by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST.

Your posts must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. A peer response such as “I agree with her,” or “I liked what he said about that” is not considered substantive and will not be counted for course credit. A blank post just to review other submissions will not be tolerated.

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My Personal Classroom Management Plan”
March 6, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays My Personal Classroom Management Plan”
For this assignment, “My Personal Classroom Management Plan” assignment. This rough draft should now include sections 1-6.


2- Student Engagement Strategies

3- My Philosophy of Classroom Management

4- Classroom Procedures – Include your rationale explaining how procedures minimize distractions and maximize instructional time.

5- Rules, Consequences, and Reward System – Include the lists and the rationale that explains how the system will help create a safe and productive learning environment.

6- Classroom Arrangement and Cooperative Learning: Include your classroom arrangement and rationale from this topic.

Include at least 3-5 scholarly resources you used to create your classroom management plan.

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classroom arrangement
March 6, 2020Business, Buy Cheap Essays classroom arrangement
Students learn in a variety of settings and environments. Group learning creates an environment of engagement and motivation. It gives students a chance to learn from each other in a cooperative learning setting. The arrangement and layout of the classroom should provide opportunities to work productively and cooperatively to achieve learning goals.

For this assignment, you will design a classroom arrangement for your selected grade level and the students outlined in the “Class Profile.” Consider your experiences in your field experience classroom, and conduct an Internet search to identify a variety of classroom environments. Take note of the materials found in each environment and the physical arrangement of the classrooms. Use one of the classroom design websites in Topic Materials to design your classroom. Your design should create a learning environment that focuses on creating opportunities for group and cooperative learning.
Your classroom design should include:

Classroom layout (i.e., where the desks/tables will be placed) that facilitates group learning.
Resources and technological tools, and where they will be located.
Traffic flow consistent with age-appropriate physical and social development.
Equal access to the room’s resources and technological tools for students of all ability levels.
In addition, write a 200-300 word rationale that explains how the classroom arrangement:

Minimizes distractions and maximizes classroom time and space to facilitate students working productively.
Encourages cooperative learning groups that foster respectful and safe communication to cooperatively achieve learning goals.
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organizational position
March 6, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays organizational position
As an HR Manager part of your job is to analyze the staffing levels within the organization. You have to hire to fill one position within the organization. You can choose the organizational position you currently work or a future position. For this assignment, create a new position, and write a description of the needs it fills in the organization, the job description, and the compensation and benefits package.
You will create and submit your assignment by using ecree. Just start writing. Your work will be saved automatically. You’ll see some feedback on the right-hand side of the screen, including text and videos to help guide you in the writing process. When you’re ready, you can turn in your assignment by clicking “Submit” at the bottom of the page.
Write a five to seven (5-7) paragraph paper in which you:
Explain three or four job components in the job description and specifications for the job.
Explain what will be included in the compensation and benefits package related to the job.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia, blogs and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Include at least 1 reference to support your paper.

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socioemotional occurrences
March 6, 2020Business, Buy Cheap Essays socioemotional occurrences
key to writing a research question is to first read the research. In your paper, you would define two to three social factors you deem significant and connect them with the appropriate physical, cognitive, and socioemotional occurrences happening during this part of life span development. Then, draw your own conclusions from the research you find.)

The Research Paper Rough Draft

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete rough draft of an APA research paper. Your rough draft should include all of the research paper elements of a final draft.

Include the following in your 4–5 page (not including the required cover page or reference page) rough draft:

Title page
Pose the research question (introduction)
Discuss the thesis/present the information and research /draw conclusions (body)
Reference page with a minimum of three scholarly references and appropriately used in-text citations for each
Be sure to plan enough time for proofreading and editing. Use current APA style.


Final Research Paper

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete APA research paper. The paper is written to report on that research and offer answer(s) to the original question.

Include the following in your 4–5 page (not including the required cover page or reference pages) final paper:

Title page
Pose the research question (introduction) Discuss the thesis/present the information and research /draw conclusions (body)
Reference page with a minimum of three scholarly references and appropriately used in-text citations for each
Be sure to plan enough time for proofreading and editing. Use current APA style.

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Practice Experience Discussion
March 6, 2020Business, Buy Cheap Essays Practice Experience Discussion
Conduct a collaboration interview with two or three key leaders in your practice setting to determine the measures for your practice problem and associated challenges impacting measurement for your practice problem (include confidentiality, anonymity, access issues, etc.). Perform a literature review on your practice problem that elicits how this problem is measured across the country.

please answer to following questions
1-A description of the measures identified from the interviews, the challenges to obtaining the data that were discussed, and a summary of how this quality indicator is measured in the literature.

2-Discuss any gaps in the data that were identified and additional sources that might be needed to obtain this data.

3-Be sure to support your practice problem with the literature that indicates the relevance of this problem for nursing practice.

4-Provide evidence from practice and data that is available.

Practice Experience Discussion
March 6, 2020Business, Buy Cheap Essays Practice Experience Discussion
Conduct a collaboration interview with two or three key leaders in your practice setting to determine the measures for your practice problem and associated challenges impacting measurement for your practice problem (include confidentiality, anonymity, access issues, etc.). Perform a literature review on your practice problem that elicits how this problem is measured across the country.

please answer to following questions
1-A description of the measures identified from the interviews, the challenges to obtaining the data that were discussed, and a summary of how this quality indicator is measured in the literature.

2-Discuss any gaps in the data that were identified and additional sources that might be needed to obtain this data.

3-Be sure to support your practice problem with the literature that indicates the relevance of this problem for nursing practice.

4-Provide evidence from practice and data that is available.

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Discussion: Educating Your Business Sponsor on EVM
March 6, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Discussion: Educating Your Business Sponsor on EVM
BUS 517 Discussion post responses.

Respond to the colleagues posts regarding:

• Your Project Sponsor pulls you aside and admits that he has no idea what earned value management concepts (EVM), such as AC, BCWP, and EV mean; he is only concerned that you deliver the project ahead of schedule and under budget. Using the information covered from your readings and other activities, develop a project to educate him, including which EVM performance measures you would educate him on. Provide a rationale for your selection of topics.

BS’s post states the following:

Earned Value Management, or EVM, is a project management tool used to measure project progress and performance in terms of the three core PM elements: scope, time, and costs. Its usefulness is in that it provides quantitative data for project decision making, especially in project forecasting. Managers use the EVM to develop accurate, objective forecasts and can use this tool to determine problems early on and make adjustments before the project derails. EVM implementation includes a project plan that identifies the required work, a valuation of planned work, as well as metrics for quantifying the accomplishment of work. In other words, EVM uses variances in projects based on the comparison of worked performed (EV) and work planned (PV).

To explain this to a project sponsor who does not fully understand the concept, I would begin by explaining that we start with a budget baseline, the PV, which serves as a reference point for all budgeted activities. The next step is to calculate actual costs of the work completed (AC). We multiply these cost by the % complete of actual work, which leads us to earned value (EV). Now we can go ahead and compute the schedule variance (SV) and cost variance (CV) and use these metrics to compare the earned value with the expected schedule value and the earned value with actual costs.

SV = EV – PV

CV = EV – AC

The schedule variance tells us whether the project is running early, on time, or late. The cost variance tells us whether the work accomplished costs more or less than planned. In an ideal situation, both the SV and the CV are positive – it means that the project is on track to be on time and on budget.

These metrics can also be used to calculate performance indexes such as the scheduling performance index


And the cost performance index


If the index equals 1, it means the project is on cost / on schedule. An index < 1 indicates the project runs over cost / behind schedule. Leave a comment financial performance March 6, 2020Business, Buy Cheap Essays financial performance Assess the key ratios for profitability, liquidity, and solvency used by financial analysts to evaluate the financial performance of a company. Next, indicate one (1) ratio from each of the three (3) categories (profitability, liquidity, and solvency) that you believe to be most indicative of future performance. Use actual ratios from a company of your choice to provide support for your rationale Leave a comment technology aspects March 6, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays technology aspects Instructions For this portion of your course project, you will be adding information about the community relations, consumer relations, and technology aspects of your company and then submitting your final project. For this section, you should include the criteria below. Discuss the importance of consumer relations and philanthropic activities to your chosen business. What activities does the company engage in to promote these relations? Explain the methods used by your company to “manage” consumers. Evaluate the role of technology in the company’s strategy. For your final project, you should compile all sections of your project (including this new section) and finalize the paper. You will not turn in Part V separately. It will only be submitted as a part of the final compilation. Any feedback given in prior units should be incorporated, and you should ensure that your paper is cohesive and fluid with an introduction and conclusion. It should be a minimum of 10 pages in length. All sources used should be compiled on one reference page and cited appropriately in the body of your paper. I’m attaching Unit I II III and V for this assignment Book reference: Ferrell, O. C., Thorne, D., & Ferrell, L. (2016). Business and society: A strategic approach to social responsibility & ethics (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: Chicago Business Press. Leave a comment Assignment 5: Integrated Business Communication March 6, 2020Academic Writing, Business, Buy Cheap Essays Assignment 5: Integrated Business Communication. . Write a three to four (3-4) page paper that addresses the following: · As a future executive, explain what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. · Discuss whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why. · Address what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas. · Discuss how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved. · Include a statement of your personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication. The format of the paper is to be as follows: · Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format, a Microsoft Word document. · Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response. · In addition to the three to four (3-4) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. Note: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills. The assignment will be graded using the following rubric: Outcomes Assessed · Assess communication and technology in the global marketplace. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in business communications. Points: 280 Assignment 5: Integrated Business Communication. Criteria Unacceptable Below 70% F Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Explain as a future executive, what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. Weight: 16% Did not submit or incompletely explained as a future executive, what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. Partially completed the assignment or explain as a future executive, what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. Satisfactorily explained as a future executive, what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. Thoroughly explained as a future executive, what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. 2. Discuss whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why. Weight: 16% Did not submit or incompletely discussed whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why, Partially answered whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why. Satisfactorily answered whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why. Thoroughly answered whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why. 3. Address what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas. Weight: 16% Did not complete the assignment or did not address what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas; omitted information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 70% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially addressed what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas; omitted some key information. Completed with 70-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Satisfactorily addressed what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Thoroughly addressed what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. 4. Discuss how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved. Weight: 16% Did not complete the assignment or did not discuss how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved; omitted information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 70% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially discussed how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved; omitted some key information. Completed with 70-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Satisfactorily discussed how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Thoroughly discussed how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. 5. Include a statement of your personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication. Weight: 16% Did not complete the assignment or did not include a statement of personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication; omitted information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 70% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially included a statement of personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication; omitted some key information. Completed with 70-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Sufficiently included a statement of personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Thoroughly included a statement of personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. 6. Clarity Weight: 10% Did not complete the assignment or explanations are unclear and not organized. (Major issues) Explanations generally unclear and not well organized. (Many issues) Explanations generally clear and/or organized. (Minor issues) Explanations very clear and well organized. (Added helpful details.) 7. Writing – Grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, APA usage. Weight: 10% Did not complete the assignment or had 8 or more different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. (Major issues) Had 6 – 7 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. (Many issues) Had 4 – 5 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. (Minor issues) Had 0 – 3 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. Leave a comment practice barriers for APNs in California March 6, 2020Buy Cheap Essays Being aware of the restrictions to NP practice can help guide NPs in what areas we need to lobby for change. What movements are currently underway in the state of Florida for removing barriers to NP practice? (about 300 words) Identify and describe practice barriers for APNs in California and discuss these barriers on a state and national level. Identify forms of competition on the state and national level that interfere with APN’s ability to practice independently. (about 300-400words) use references from the last 5 years, APA format Assignment 5: Integrated Business Communication. March 5, 2020Business, Buy Cheap Essays, Economics, Education Assignment 5: Integrated Business Communication. Write a three to four (3-4) page paper that addresses the following: · As a future executive, explain what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. · Discuss whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why. · Address what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas. · Discuss how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved. · Include a statement of your personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication. The format of the paper is to be as follows: · Typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format, a Microsoft Word document. · Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response. · In addition to the three to four (3-4) pages required, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date. Note: You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic/organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills. The assignment will be graded using the following rubric: Outcomes Assessed · Assess communication and technology in the global marketplace. · Use technology and information resources to research issues in business communications. Points: 280 Assignment 5: Integrated Business Communication. Criteria Unacceptable Below 70% F Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Explain as a future executive, what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. Weight: 16% Did not submit or incompletely explained as a future executive, what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. Partially completed the assignment or explain as a future executive, what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. Satisfactorily explained as a future executive, what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. Thoroughly explained as a future executive, what you think are the most important communication issues you will have to face as you embark upon your career. 2. Discuss whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why. Weight: 16% Did not submit or incompletely discussed whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why, Partially answered whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why. Satisfactorily answered whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why. Thoroughly answered whether communication will become more complex, or less complex, and why. 3. Address what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas. Weight: 16% Did not complete the assignment or did not address what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas; omitted information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 70% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially addressed what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas; omitted some key information. Completed with 70-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Satisfactorily addressed what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Thoroughly addressed what role technology will play in the communication of thoughts and ideas. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. 4. Discuss how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved. Weight: 16% Did not complete the assignment or did not discuss how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved; omitted information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 70% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially discussed how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved; omitted some key information. Completed with 70-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Satisfactorily discussed how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Thoroughly discussed how the information gap between generations, cultures, income levels, and education can be resolved. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. 5. Include a statement of your personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication. Weight: 16% Did not complete the assignment or did not include a statement of personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication; omitted information and/or included irrelevant information. Completed with less than 70% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Partially included a statement of personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication; omitted some key information. Completed with 70-79% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Sufficiently included a statement of personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication. Completed with 80-89% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. Thoroughly included a statement of personal philosophy on the future of integrated business communication. Completed with 90-100% accuracy, thoroughness, and logic. 6. Clarity Weight: 10% Did not complete the assignment or explanations are unclear and not organized. (Major issues) Explanations generally unclear and not well organized. (Many issues) Explanations generally clear and/or organized. (Minor issues) Explanations very clear and well organized. (Added helpful details.) 7. Writing – Grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, APA usage. Weight: 10% Did not complete the assignment or had 8 or more different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. (Major issues) Had 6 – 7 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. (Many issues) Had 4 – 5 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. (Minor issues) Had 0 – 3 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation, or APA usage. Leave a comment Smart Parking Space App Presentation March 5, 2020Business, Buy Cheap Essays, Education Smart Parking Space App Presentation Resources: Microsoft Excel®, DAT565_v3_Wk6_Data_File Scenario: A city’s administration isn’t driven by the goal of maximizing revenues or profits but instead looks at improving the quality of life of its residents. Many American cities are confronted with high traffic and congestion. Finding parking spaces, whether in the street or a parking lot, can be time consuming and contribute to congestion. Some cities have rolled out data-driven parking space management to reduce congestion and make traffic more fluid. You’re a data analyst working for a mid-size city that has anticipated significant increments in population and car traffic. The city is evaluating whether it makes sense to invest in infrastructure to count and report the number of parking spaces available at the different parking lots downtown. This data would be collected and processed in real-time, feeding an app that motorists can access to find parking space availability in different parking lots throughout the city. Instructions: Work with the provided Excel database. This database has the following columns: LotCode: A unique code that identifies the parking lot LotCapacity: A number with the respective parking lot capacity LotOccupancy: A number with the current number of cars in the parking lot TimeStamp: A day/time combination indicating the moment when occupancy was measured Day: The day of the week corresponding to the TimeStamp Insert a new column, OccupancyRate, recording occupancy rate as a percentage with one decimal. For instance, if the current LotOccupancy is 61 and LotCapacity is 577, then the OccupancyRate would be reported as 10.6 (or 10.6%). Using the OccupancyRate and Day columns, construct box plots for each day of the week. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Is the median occupancy rate approximately the same throughout the week? If not, which days have lower median occupancy rates? Which days have higher median occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?
Using the OccupancyRate and LotCode columns,construct box plots for each parking lot. You can use Insert > Insert Statistic Chart >Box and Whisker for this purpose. Do all parking lots experience approximately equal occupancy rates?Are some parking lots more frequented than others? Is this what you expected?
Select any 2 parking lots. For each one, prepare as catter plot showing occupancy rate against TimeStamp for the week 11/20/2016 –11/26/2016. Are occupancy rates time dependent? If so, which times seem to experience highest occupancy rates? Is this what you expected?

Create a 10- to 12-slide presentation with speaker notes and audio. Your audience is the City Council members who are responsible for deciding whether the city invests in resources to set in motion the smart parking space app.

Complete the following in your presentation:

Outline the rationale and goals of the project.
Utilize boxplots showing the occupancy rates for each day of the week. Include your interpretation of results.
Utilize box plots showing the occupancy rates for each parking lot. Include your interpretation of results.
Provide scatter plots showing occupancy rate against time of day of your selected four parking lots. Include your interpretation of results.
Make a recommendation about continuing with the implementation of this project.
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