Choose one of the following contemporary rights issues for a person or persons with disability and develop/describe an advocacy campaign incorporating the essential elements/strategies of advocacy you have learned.

HDS310 Assessment 3 – Advocacy Case Study Due 8 p.m. Friday 25th September
1200 words (10% leeway), 30%
Choose one of the following contemporary rights issues for a person or persons with disability and develop/describe an advocacy campaign incorporating the essential elements/strategies of advocacy you have learned.
• A man who is blind and uses a dog guide complained that when he and his family went to a restaurant to order take away food he was asked to leave.
• A man who has a hearing impairment complained that when he attended a lecture series at a public venue he was unable to hear the lectures as there was no audio loop installed in the theatre.
• A woman who uses a walking frame complained that access into the bathroom in her public housing accommodation involved a step which presented a trip hazard and a risk of falling and injury.
• A man who is deaf complained that when he stayed at a hotel he was unable to access captioning on the television in his room.
• A man who has cancer complained that when he attended an office of a Commonwealth service provision agency and asked what arrangements could be made for him not to have to stand in a long queue in order to be served, he was advised he had to stand like everyone else, which he could not do.
• A mother complained that her son who has an autism spectrum disorder was not being effectively accommodated in his primary school education.
• A man who had applied for a managerial position complained that he had been unsuccessful because of a previous back injury and workers compensation claims.
Your advocacy topic in the Study Guide and the readings prescribed give you great sources for constructing your advocacy campaign. You will also need to source at least one peer reviewed article in addition to the set readings to include in your essay.
• The format of the assignment is normal essay with introduction, body and conclusion.
• In the introduction you need to introduce and define advocacy including the different types of advocacy.
• Describe advocacy’s role in attaining human rights or redressing discrimination (or denial of rights).
• You would also introduce your case study or the issue you are constructing a campaign about. (up to 6 marks)
In the body of the essay you would describe your advocacy strategy/campaign in detail (using headings if you like), covering all the different elements (e.g. community education). You can decide not to use certain elements as appropriate for your case issue but you must still describe all the possible elements to show you understand them, and say why you are not including particular elements or strategies. You can create scenarios throughout your campaign such as if one strategy or element didn’t work, the next element or strategy you would use would be … (up to 12 marks).
Finally, in the conclusion you bring it all together in a summary that briefly describes the role of advocacy in achieving/protecting human rights, retraces the issue or case you looked at, and the campaign you developed. (up to 6 marks).
Presentation and Referencing up to 6 marks.
The same advice for referencing applies as per Assignment 2 (refer assessment module).
HD D CR P Unsatisfactory
As for D but presents an excellent coverage and interpretation of the topic As for CR but also includes a variety of references As for P but also addresses most or all key elements to a good standard Satisfactorily addresses most of the key elements in the essay Does not adequately address the key elements in the essay

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