Introduction: Does the author begin the narrative with a “hook” to draw the reader in? What is it? Is it effective?
Does the author give proper background information and thoroughly introduce the topic? ___________
What is the thesis? _____________________________________________________________________________________
Are there transitional sentences at the beginning or the end of key paragraphs? If not, make a note on the essay where transitions are needed.
Is there a clear focus for each paragraph and are there paragraph breaks at logical points, such as change of scene, time, or date? If one paragraph takes on multiple topics they need to fix that._____________________________________________________________________________________What is the sequence of events in chronological order? ____________________________________________________________________
Is there a conclusion paragraph at the end of the essay that provides closure? _____________________
Is there reflection at each major point in the story so the reader understands what the author was thinking and feeling as the events unfolded? If not, make a note in the margin of the essay where reflection should be added. _______________________________________________________________________
Does the topic the author has chosen really fit the prompt? Can the reader see that the author was striving for a specific goal? What was the goal?
Is the main reflection clear? Will most readers understand how the author grew or changed based on the experience described in this essay? In your own words, describe the main reflection.
In the conclusion paragraph, does the writer explain why this experience is significant to him/her? Has the writer found a way to answer the “so what?” question? If not, how might the author make this idea clearer to the reader?
4.Mechanics, Syntax, and Grammar: Note any instances of issues such as run-on sentences, comma errors, misspelled words, choppy or unvaried sentence structure, repetitive words, awkward phrasing, etc.

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