Angelo is a 19-year-old man. He lives with his parents and he is an apprentice diesel mechanic. Encouraged by his family, Angelo presented for assessment at his local hospital. As a nurse, you are part of the multidisciplinary team responsible for Angelo’s assessment. On admission Angelo appears withdrawn. His parents report that Angelo’s behaviour has changed gradually over the last 6 months. He has become moody and uncommunicative and seems to have lost interest in life. Angelo’s parents also report that in recent weeks he has started talking about his thoughts being controlled by energy waves emitted by the television. At times he has been overheard talking to himself. His parents state that Angelo has in the past used cannabis heavily. His work performance has suffered, and his colleagues have also noticed the changes in Angelo’s mood and behaviour.
Clinical scenario questions
1. During your interview with Angelo, you note that he is not forthcoming with personal information. What communication techniques would you use to obtain a clinical history. (400 words)
2. Some aspects of Angelo’s history are suggestive of psychosis. Define psychosis and explain the primary features of a psychotic presentation. (400 words).
3. A provisional diagnosis of schizophrenia is made, and Angelo is admitted to the mental health unit for observation and further assessment. Explain the concept of positive and negative symptoms in schizophrenia and the implications for treatment. (400 words)
4. Explain the potential role of neurotransmitters in the development of schizophrenia. (400 words)

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