identify all the ways in which Telstra links its business practices to Responsible Management practices and evaluate the effectiveness of its practices.

Due Date

Week 9 – 20 September 2020 Sunday 11:55pm

Task Description

Analyse and Evaluate Telstra’s Annual Sustainability Report 2019. The analyse should identify all the ways in which Telstra links its business practices to Responsible Management practices and evaluate the effectiveness of its practices. The analysis should be written in report format.

Task Length

The written analysis of Telstra’s Sustainability Report should be 700-words description and 350-words analysis. This should involve 8 hours of very careful reading and analysis of the report, and 8 hours or writing and editing.

Task Requirements

Provide a detailed summary of Telstra’s Sustainability Report that identifies the SDGs it is linking to, its reasons for linking its business to these goals, and the examples used to indicate its achievements in working towards achieving these goals. In a 350-word analysis, give reasons why you think Telstra has or has not demonstrated itself to be a Responsible company.

Assessment Criteria

The analysis report must demonstrate a detailed reading of the report by highlighting how this Sustainability Report seeks to make its case for Telstra as a responsible corporate citizen. The second part of the assessment must use clear criteria to evaluate whether the case for Telstra as a responsible corporate citizen is persuasive.


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