The purpose of this task is for you to identify key concepts covered in weeks two (2) to seven (7) and explain how this impacts on or contributes to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s health and wellbeing,

HLT150 Task 2
The purpose of this task is for you to identify key concepts covered in weeks two (2) to seven (7) and explain how this impacts on or contributes to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s health and wellbeing, using Indigenous Australian perspectives and your frame of reference. You will identify and explain key determinants that impact or contribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ health and wellbeing
• This is an individual task.
• You will submit the essay on Blackboard
• The topic for this essay is ‘Health and Wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ and is based on the presentation “Redfern Oration – Dr Rhys Jones”. You will need to watch the presentation provided through the following link: prior to completing this essay. The presentation length is approximately 35 minutes. This resource is also provided under the Course Reading List on Blackboard titled “Assessment Task 2 Resources”.
Essay Structure
Part One – 500 words
1. Provide a brief introduction to the topic ‘Health and Wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ based on the presentation “Redfern Oration – Dr Rhys Jones”.
2. Identify and describe how the content of the presentation relates to one the cultural capability key concepts from week two (2) to week seven (7) of this course.
3. Describe how and why this cultural capability key concept can impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Peoples’ health and wellbeing.
4. In Part One of your essay it is recommended you provide both examples from the presentation “Redfern Oration – Dr Rhys Jones” and incorporate examples from the evidence (some sources of evidence are provided below in resources) to describe how and why your chosen cultural capability concept can impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Peoples’ health and wellbeing.
Part Two – 500 words
5. Identify and describe determinants that impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ health and wellbeing. To do this, you will apply the Indigenous Determinants of Health Framework (provided below in resources) to explain how social, political and cultural determinants impact or contribute to Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Peoples’ health and wellbeing in the Australian context.
6. Describe how the determinants you have identified are interconnected.
7. To identify and describe determinants and how determinants are interconnected, it is recommended you provide both examples from the presentation and incorporate examples from the evidence (some sources of evidence are provided below in resources).
8. Provide a brief conclusion of your essay which summarises the main points you have presented.
• The Indigenous Determinants of Health Framework

Image source: Gee G, Dudgeon P, Schultz C, Hart A, and Kelly K, ‘Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health: An Aboriginal Perspective’. Chapter 4, in Dudgeon P, Milroy M, and Walker R (eds.), Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice – Revised Edition, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2014, ‘National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017-2023,’
• There is a minimum of six (6) references for this task. Please use Vancouver style of referencing for your in-text referencing and reference lists.
Recommended readings to support you with this task (links to these resources available under Course Readings on Blackboard – ‘Assessment Task 2 Resources’
1. Gee G, Dudgeon P, Schultz C, Hart A, and Kelly K, ‘Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health: An Aboriginal Perspective’. Chapter 4, in Dudgeon P, Milroy M, and Walker R (eds.), Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice – Revised Edition, Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra, 2014
2. National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017-2023,
3. Vallesi S, Wood L, Dimer L, Zada M. “In Their Own Voice”—Incorporating Underlying Social Determinants into Aboriginal Health Promotion Programs. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2018 Jul;15(7):1514.
4. Priest NC, Paradies YC, Gunthorpe W, Cairney SJ, Sayers SM. Racism as a determinant of social and emotional wellbeing for Aboriginal Australian youth. Medical Journal of Australia. 2011 May;194(10):546-50.
You will be assessed via the marking rubric located in the Assessment 2 folder on Blackboard. Summative feedback will be provided via the rubric.

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