Your proposal should discuss:
- The qualitative research methodology you propose to use, justification for choosing that methodology
- Proposed methods, data collection, sampling and analysis
- How the research approach is expected to influence the outcomes
- Your place in the research and epistemological position
- Potential ethical issues and how these would be managed
Appropriate delivery of antenatal care to Aboriginal women.
There are significant differences in maternal and child health between Australia’s Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations. Improving the care of Aboriginal women before and during pregnancy is a key strategy to closing the gap in health outcomes. Aboriginal women access care differently to non-Aboriginal women. They are less likely to present in the first trimester and on average have fewer antenatal visits (Middleton, 2009; Rumbold et al. 2011). There are a number of factors influencing the ways Aboriginal women access antenatal care, including services that are culturally inappropriate, healthcare providers who are insensitive to their needs and logistical challenges (including transport and associated costs) (Bar-Zeev, Barclay, Kruske & Kildea, 2013). Programs designed to meet the needs of Aboriginal women have shown to improve maternal and perinatal outcomes (Herceg, 2005; Middleton, 2009).
You have received a small NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council) project grant to explore factors influencing how remote dwelling Aboriginal women in the NT access antenatal care. The results from this study will inform models of care and current practices across the Territory (including those used by the Royal Darwin Hospital, Remote Health Centres, the Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance NT and the Midwifery Group Practice).
Middleton, P. & Crowther, C. (2009). Preventing infant deaths among Aboriginal and teenage women in South Australia. University of Adelaide, South Australia.
Rumbold, A., Bailie, R., Si, D., Dowden, M., Kennedy, C., Cox, R., O’Donoghue, L., Liddle, H., Kwedza, R., Thompson, S., Burke, H., Brown, A., Weeramanthri, T., & Connors, C. (2011). Delivery of maternal health care in Indigenous primary care services: baseline data for an ongoing quality improvement initiative. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 11 (1), 1.
Bar-Zeev, S., Barclay L., Kruske, S., & Kildea, S. (2013). Factors affecting the quality of antenatal care provided to remote dwelling Aboriginal women in northern Australia. Midwifery, 30 (3), 289-296.
Herceg, A. (2005). Improving health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers, babies and young children: a literature review. Canberra: Retrieved from

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