Child Depression. Is the social problem regarded as important by general society?

Child Depression


Complete assignments that build on one another, starting with a

1. problem statement,

2. conducting a situational analysis, and

3. proposing a nonprofit concept.

Description of the social problem *Include data on the impact of the problem *Introduction to your proposed nonprofit *Name of Organization *Mission Statement *Goals and Objectives *Target population/problem/policies *Include demographic information and/or as much details about your target group

*With your new organization, what does success look like?

*Summary of strategies *Overall approach. Sometimes this is called a theory of change. *

Think of this section as the narrative of your logic model *Attention to diverse cultural contexts *Justification for overall approach:

Has this been done before in other communities, states, countries?

Is there evidence to support your approach? *Description of theories that support your approach. Summary of SWOT analysis

Why is your non-profit the right fit for responding to the social problem? *Conclude this section with selling your audience on why now is the right time to move forward with this organization *Implementation Considerations

*Organizational structure *Staffing patterns *Collaborations *Physical/virtual space *Prospective funding sources *

Description about the funding context: *Is the social problem a high priority politically, socially, economically? *

Is the social problem regarded as important by general society? *For example, childhood illness is typically more accepted as an urgent problem than adults who are addicted to substances. *Discuss any funding ideas or opportunities

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