Communication3- effective listening varies according to listening purposes and people with whom we interact.

Write a 350 word main post that responds to each question below.

As we learned in Chapter 3, effective listening varies according to listening purposes and people with whom we interact.

Questions to Answer:

Using two examples from past experience, how do you adapt styles and behaviors of listening to diverse situations and individuals?
How might the ability to adapt listening behaviors help one advance in their career?
Which of the tips offered in the TED Talk will you attempt to implement this week?

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Chapter Three: Listening in Human Communication

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Chapter Three Goals

 Define listening and understand the five stages of listening

 Describe the barriers to effective listening  Identify the styles of listening and listen in the

appropriate style for the situation  Communicate an awareness of cultural and

gender differences

Definition of Listening

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In light of Facebook, Twitter, wikis, and blogs, there has been a need to expand the traditional definition of listening to encompass the amount of communication taking place online.

 Listening is the process of receiving, understanding, and responding to verbal and nonverbal messages.

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Stages of Listening  Receiving  Understanding  Remembering  Evaluating  Responding

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Step One: Receiving, Hearing, Attending

 Note not only what is said, but what is omitted

 Focus attention of both verbal and nonverbal  Maintain role as listener  Avoid assuming you understand something

before the speaking is finished speaking

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Step Two: Understanding

 Grasp both the thoughts and emotional tones  Relate new information to what you already

know  See things from the speaker’s point of view  Rephrase/paraphrase the speaker’s ideas

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Step Three: Remembering

 What you remember is not what was said, but what you remember was said

 Memory is a reconstructive process  Focus your attention of the central ideas  Summarize the message in a more easily

retained form

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Step Four: Evaluating

 Consists of judging the messages that you hear

 Resist evaluating until you fully understand speaker’s view

 Assume the speaker is of good will  Distinguish facts from opinions

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Step Five: Responding

 Responses come in two forms 1) Responses while the speaker is speaking 2) Reponses made after the speaker is finished

speaking  Used varied backchanneling cues  Own your own responses with I-messages  Avoid problem-causing listening responses

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 Distractions: physical and mental  Biases and prejudices  Lack of appropriate focus  Premature judgment

Listening Barriers

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Styles of Effective Listening

 Empathic listening is defined as trying to understand what a person means and feels

 Objective Listening is defined as detaching oneself as much as possible in order to best understand the speaker

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Steps to Empathic Listening

 Strive to understand the speaker’s viewpoint  Engage in two-way conversation  Seek out the speaker’s thoughts and feelings  Avoid “offensive listening”—hearing only bits

and pieces  Strive to listen objectively to friend and foe


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Guidelines for Nonjudgmental and Critical Listening  Always keep an open mind  Avoid quick judgments and premature

evaluations  Strive to not filter out difficult materials or

simplify complex messages  Recognize your own tendency to interpret

through personal biases  Avert sharpening—the tendency to increase

importance of some parts of messages

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Guidelines for Depth Listening

 Focus on verbal and nonverbal messages  Listen for both content and relational

messages  Take special note of statements that refer

back to the speaker  Balance your listening between surface and

underlying messages

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Active Listening Techniques

 Paraphrase the speaker’s meaning  Ask questions  Express understanding of the speaker’s


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Listening Differences: Culture and Gender

 Language and accents may be different  The meaning of nonverbal displays vary

among cultures  Tone and content of feedback varies

according to person/situations  Different norms of verbals and nonverbals  Different feedback styles exist

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Listening and Gender: A difference of socialization

Men  Lecture  Seek facts  Desire respect  Interrupt more often  Change topics more


Women  Talk, not lecture  Build relationships  Want to be liked  More patient  More sensitive to


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End Show

Chapter Three Goals
Definition of Listening
Stages of Listening
Step One: Receiving, Hearing, Attending
Step Two: Understanding
Step Three: Remembering
Step Four: Evaluating
Step Five: Responding
PowerPoint Presentation
Listening Barriers
Styles of Effective Listening
Steps to Empathic Listening
Guidelines for Nonjudgmental and Critical Listening
Guidelines for Depth Listening
Active Listening Techniques
Listening Differences: Culture and Gender
Listening and Gender: A difference of socialization
End Show

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