Ethnic identity, an aspect of our self-concept


Ethnic identity, an aspect of our self-concept, may be viewed as how we classify ourselves in terms of the group(s) we belong to and who we see ourselves similar to in terms of cultural groups. This involves an internalization of the understanding of “Who Am I” in terms of ethnicity.


Identify and explore a pivotal incident in your own life that contributed to your own ethnic identity development.

Discuss general personal life details (to your level of comfort)
Age, gender, family constellations (current and family of origin), education, employment, ethnicity, health, parents and grandparents ethnicity, etc.
Integrate literature that addresses the ethnic group with which you identify.
Description and context of the critical incident related to your ethnic identity development (approximately 3 pages)
When did the incident occur?
What happened and who was involved?
What were the emotional factors involved?
Discuss your own ethnic identity development at this point in time.
In light of your critical incident and your own ethnic development, discuss ways that your own personal culture may impact your social work practice with clients similar to your own ethnicity and with Hispanic and Latino clients.
Integrate literature that addresses ethnic identity and that is relevant to your experiences.
Ethnicity and Hispanic or Latino citizens and immigrants (approximately 2 pages)
Based on your readings of Grande’s novel, identify and discuss aspects of ethnicity that are pertinent to the characters in the novel and that have similarities to your own ethnic identity.
Based on your readings of Grande’s novel, identify and discuss aspects of ethnicity that are pertinent to the characters in the novel that are dissimilar to your own ethnic identity.
Discuss ways in which you will use this information to enhance your cultural sensitivity when working with Hispanic and Latino clients.
Integration of theory and social work practice (approximately 2 pages)
Choose one of the social work theories we have discussed this term and explain how you will use that theory to enhance your cultural sensitivity when working with Hispanic and Latino clients.
Discuss literature that addresses these points.


The post Ethnic identity, an aspect of our self-concept first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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