Open the Project Libre file with activity durations and predecessors that you created in Module 4. Click on “view” and “resource” in order to navigate to the resource sheet. Once in the resource sheet, enter all resources that you intend to use in your project.

Project Resources

Open the Project Libre file with activity durations and predecessors that you created in Module 4. Click on “view” and “resource” in order to navigate to the resource sheet.

Once in the resource sheet, enter all resources that you intend to use in your project.

Populate the entire row for each resource including cost per resource and calendar. If you are unsure about the values, provide an estimate. (In the next module, you may find that you need to adjust some resource values. This is acceptable as project planning is an iterative activity).

Save your Project Libre file with your populated resource sheet and submit for grading.

Your resource sheet should look similar to the example provided in the office relocation project example: Office Relocation Example_resources.pod

The post Open the Project Libre file with activity durations and predecessors that you created in Module 4. Click on “view” and “resource” in order to navigate to the resource sheet. Once in the resource sheet, enter all resources that you intend to use in your project. appeared first on Essay Lane.


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