Project Proposal

1. An executive summary of the proposal.

2. A brief introduction which should provide a high-level description of the hypothetical organization undertaking the project, its mission and the work it does.

3. A description of the underlying needs, problems or opportunities which the proposed project is expected to address.

4. A statement of the strategic goal which the project is intended to address and the objective of the project (how it is expected to achieve the strategic goal).

5. A high-level description of the scope of the work encompassed by the project.

6. Any constraints (things which would limit the choices and work of the project team) relevant to the project. Constraints might involve deadline dates, limits on costs, regulatory requirements or other things.

Only part 2 and 2/3page needed~

MASY1-GC1250 – Project Management in the Information Age – Fall 2020 Team Simulation Project – Project Proposal

The team assignments for this course will revolve around developing and presenting supporting documentation and project plan materials for a hypothetical project which each team will invent. The project may be based on a real project, either from a student’s own experience or drawn from a case study in a book, article or other source. The project can be drawn from any industry and discipline – you may invent an information technology project if you wish, but you aren’t required to do so.

Your team must develop a hypothetical project and create a project proposal for it. The project proposal should not exceed two (2) pages in length. The name of the project may be used as your team name. You may be creative in developing that name, but please choose one which is appropriately presentable for a graduate level course! Your team is also allowed to select its own format for the project proposal and any other team submissions and planning documents created in the course. The format selected should be of professional quality – your team should strive to create something that would be worthy of use by a real organization.

Your project should be “substantial”, in that it would be expected to require a significant amount of effort and be a realistic project which a medium-sized or large business or other organization with more than a hundred employees would undertake. If your team has any questions about this requirement, please consult the instructor.

The content of your project proposal should include:

• An executive summary of the proposal.

• A brief introduction which should provide a high-level description of the hypothetical organization

undertaking the project, its mission and the work it does.

• A description of the underlying needs, problems or opportunities which the proposed project is

expected to address.

• A statement of the strategic goal which the project is intended to address and the objective of the

project (how it is expected to achieve the strategic goal).

• A high-level description of the scope of the work encompassed by the project.

• Any constraints (things which would limit the choices and work of the project team) relevant to the

project. Constraints might involve deadline dates, limits on costs, regulatory requirements or other


Please note: all team assignment submissions should include a cover page listing the project name and plan name. It should also include the name of your team, the course name, and the date submitted.

Please also indicate by some means which team member was responsible for a section of your proposal.

One member of your team should upload a copy of your project proposal to the designated area in NYU Classes by 11:55 PM on Sunday, September 20th.

The post Project Proposal appeared first on Versed Writers.


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