Provide a background of the topic supported with current research and evidence

1.1           Assessment Details


1.1.1          Literature critique



Weight: 10%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: Week 5 17th August 2020 at 5pm
Submission: Refer to Section 2.5 of the LG – General Submission Requirements
Format: Literature Critique
Length: 400 words
Curriculum Mode:  


Aim of assessment


This assessment is designed to assess your ability to critique and apply research findings to professional practice.




For assessment 1 you will be required to undertake a literature search to identify one article on leadership styles relevant to midwifery clinical practice. You may choose either a qualitative or quantitative research article from a peer reviewed journal.

You are then required to use the CASP tool to undertake a brief critical appraisal of the article and develop a summary discussion identifying and critically reflecting on how the results of the study might inform midwifery practice. You will upload the completed CASP tool along with your brief summary via turnitin. In addition you will need to provide an electronic copy of your chosen article to your tutor on the date of submission.




  1. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist you. Please refer to the unit’s vUWS site for specific unit resources


Marking Criteria:


Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
1. Identifies and critically appraises relevant literature on a topic Correctly identifies required/relevant up to date research.

Consistently demonstrates a clear and cogent understanding of the elements of critical appraisal, accurately critiquing each piece of research by correctly answering all the questions provided using the CASP tool in a concise and coherent manner without unnecessary description.

Is able to accurately interpret the evidence, identify strengths and/or weaknesses of the research and apply to relevant populations.

Correctly identifies required/ relevant up-to- date research.

Consistently demonstrates a clear and cogent understanding of the elements of critical appraisal, by critiquing each piece of research correctly answering the questions provided using the CASP tool in a concise and coherent manner (only a minimal mistake) without excess description.

Is able to accurately interpret the evidence, identify strengths and/or weaknesses of the research and apply to relevant populations.

Correctly identifies required/relevant up-to-date research.

Demonstrates a more than satisfactory understanding of the elements of critical appraisal. Is able to critique each piece of research by answering the questions using the CASP tool in a clear manner with only small errors.

Uses some extra descriptive information not necessarily required to answer the question.

Is able to interpret the evidence, identify some of the strengths and/or weaknesses of the research and apply to relevant populations.

Correctly identifies required/ relevant up to date research.

Has demonstrated a basic/satisfactory understanding of the elements of critical appraisal.

Not all questions answered correctly in the CASP tool.

Limited assessment of the strength and weaknesses of the research.

Has not identified the correct examples of research.

Fails to accurately appraise the research.

Numerous mistakes in answering the questions.

Demonstrates a lack of /or poor interpretation and application of evidence to appropriate populations

/10 8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7 5-6 0-4.5
2. Identify and critically reflect on how the results of the study might inform midwifery practice Exceptional, original, concise and clear identification and critical reflection of how the results of the study might inform midwifery practice.

Expert substantiation from relevant, current high quality academic literature.

Comprehensive, clear, and concise identification and critical reflection of how the results of the study might inform midwifery practice.

Very good substantiation from relevant, current, quality academic literature

Good, clear and concise identification and critical reflection of how the results of the study might inform midwifery practice.

Good substantiation from relevant, current academic literature

Satisfactory identification and critical reflection of how the results of the study might inform midwifery practice.

Adequate substantiation from current relevant academic literature

Absent or inadequate identification and critical reflection of how the results of the study might inform midwifery practice.

Absent or inadequate substantiation from current, relevant academic literature.

/10 8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7 5-6 0-4.5
3. Academic writing

Correct sentence, paragraph, grammatical construction, Correct spelling, grammar and use of punctuation

Sentences free of errors in vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style. Meaning consistently communicated through a complex range of language. No major errors and most sentences free of minor errors in vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation and style. Meaning communicated through an appropriate range

of language.

Most sentences free of errors of vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style. Meaning is communicated through a simple but appropriate range of language. More than half of the sentences are free of errors in vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style. Meaning is usually communicated through simple, sometimes appropriate language. More than half of sentences contain errors in vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style.

Communication of meaning is impeded because of inappropriate use of language.

/5 4.5-5 4 3.5 2.5-3 0-2


Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
4. Referencing

Critique supported by relevant literature

Recent academic references were used published from 2012

In-text citations and reference list.

See the Library APA Guide and APA style guide to electronic references

Claims are supported by a balanced use of evidence from multiple sources. More than three current, highly relevant journal articles chosen.

The reference list and in-text citations are correctly formatted and punctuated throughout

All claims are supported by evidence from sources. More than three current, specifically relevant journal articles chosen.

In addition to the standard for credit, most of the reference list is correct formatted and/or punctuated, including complex citations or unusual source materials.

Most claims are supported by evidence from sources. At least three current, clearly relevant journal articles chosen.

In addition to the standard for pass, more than half of the reference list and in-text citations are correctly formatted (Italics, capitalisation, regular text and spacing) and/or punctuated (alphabetically ordered, double spaced hanging indents, full stops and commas correctly positioned). In-text citations for direct quotes include page numbers.

Some claims are supported by evidence from sources.

Three somewhat relevant journal articles chosen.

The 4 elements of the APA referencing style are present in most of the reference list, (creator, copyright date, title of work and source).

Some attempt at appropriate in-text citation, formatting and punctuation has been demonstrated.

All cited sources are included in the reference list.

The critique was not supported by relevant literature. Less than three recent academic references published from 2011 were used.

Reference list is missing or mostly incorrect. In-text citations omitted or used incorrectly.

/5 4.5-5 4 3.5 2.5-3 0-2


1.1.2          Literature critique



Weight: 30%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: Week 9 14th September 2020 at 5 pm
Submission: Refer to Section 2.5 of the LG – General Submission Requirements
Format: Literature critique
Length: 1,200 words
Curriculum Mode:  


Aim of assessment

This assessment is designed to assess your ability to critique and apply research findings to professional practice.




For this assessment you will select a current midwifery topic in class that will be also used for assessment 3. The marking criteria used is the same as assessment 1.

Once you have chosen your topic you will then undertake a literature review to identify the systematic review.

Design of assessment

Introduction – Provide a background of the topic supported with current research and evidence


Body of essay – Using the CASP guideline undertake a critical appraisal of the chosen systematic review

Summary – Develop a summary discussion identifying and critically reflecting on how the results of the study might inform midwifery practice.





  1. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist you. Please refer to the unit’s vUWS site for specific unit resources


Marking Criteria:


See Marking Criteria for Assessment 1


1.1.3          Information Resource



Weight: 60%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: Week 14 19th October 2020 at 5pm
Submission: Refer to Section 2.5 of the LG – General Submission Requirements
Format: Information Resource
Length: 2,000 words
Curriculum Mode:  


Aim of assessment

This assessment is designed to assess your understanding and skills in critically appraising research literature and translating it into practice.



Using the article you critiqued for assessment 2 together with at least 5 other relevant recent peer reviewed papers, you are required to prepare a proposal for a new informational resource for staff or for women and their families. For example; a booklet and/or fact sheet and/ or pamphlet (you will need to assume your area does not currently have this educational resource on the topic area you have chosen).

The proposal will include a discussion on the purpose of the information resource, providing a rationale for the expected benefits based on the best available evidence.  Based on the literature and using critical analysis you  will need to explain why this educational resource/s is needed and how will it improve outcomes, you will discuss recommendations for practice based on the evidence; who will be impacted by the educational resource/s; what might be the barriers and facilitators to implementation of the resource/s, and what will be needed to implement and evaluate this strategy.

Please note that this is a detailed proposal for an information resource, you are NOT expected to submit the information resource.




  1. There are a number of textbooks and resources available through the Western Sydney University Library that may assist
  2. Please refer to the unit’s vUWS site for specific unit resources


Marking Criteria:


Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory
The purpose of the information resource; the target audience; rationale for the expected benefits are clearly outlined. Provides a strong, well- referenced discussion about the importance of or need for the information resource in an area of midwifery practice.

Articulates comprehensively the purpose, rationale and expected benefits using appropriate references.

A referenced discussion outlining the importance of or need for the information resource in an area of midwifery practice.

Discusses the purpose, rationale and expected benefits using appropriate references.

Discussion includes some relevant references to support the need for an information resource in the identified area of midwifery practice.

Provides some details relating to purpose, target audience, rationale and expected benefits using appropriate references.

Provides a statement about the importance of an information resource in an area of midwifery practice but needs further development in one or more of the following: purpose, target audience, rationale and expected benefits No statement or discussion about the importance of an information resource in an area of midwifery practice.

The purpose, rationale and expected benefits are either missing or inadequately discussed.

/15 13-15 11.5-12.5 10-11 7.5-9.5 0-7
Appropriate demonstration of application of evidence.

Clearly outlines recommendations, implementation and evaluation for practice and links these recommendations to the supporting evidence.

Identifies the barriers and facilitators to implementation of the resource

The potential significance for midwifery practice is clearly and comprehensively presented. A high level of critical analysis evident.

Recommendations for practice are made based on the evidence and are clear and comprehensive.

Comprehensively identifies the barriers and facilitators to implementation of the resource

The potential significance for midwifery practice is clearly presented.

Recommendations for practice are made based on the evidence and are clear and, in the main, comprehensive.

Clearly identifies the barriers and facilitators to implementation of the resource

The potential significance for midwifery practice is underdeveloped in some aspects.

Some relevant recommendations for practice are made based on the evidence but these are either not clear or comprehensive.

Identifies some of the barriers and facilitators to implementation of the resource

A narrow discussion of the potential significance of the findings for midwifery practice.

Limited recommendations for practice identified and not always based on the evidence.

Limited identification of the barriers and facilitators to implementation of the resource

The potential significance for midwifery practice or key findings for the study have been omitted or are inaccurate.

Limited recommendations for practice identified and not always based on the evidence

Little or no evidence of understanding of the potential significance of the research to midwifery practice is demonstrated.

          Little or no identification of the barriers and facilitators to implementation of the resource
/20 17-20 15-16.5 13-14.5 10-12.5 0-9.5
Academic writing

Correct sentence, paragraph, grammatical construction,

Correct spelling, grammar and use of punctuation

Sentences free of errors in vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style. Meaning consistently communicated through a complex range of language. No major errors and most sentences free of minor errors in vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation and style. Meaning communicated through an appropriate range

of language.

Most sentences free of errors of vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style. Meaning is communicated through a simple but appropriate range of language. More than half of the sentences are free of errors in vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style. Meaning is usually communicated through simple, sometimes appropriate language. More than half of sentences contain errors in vocabulary, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style.

Communication of meaning is impeded because of inappropriate use of language

/15 13-15 11.5-12.5 10-11 7.5-9.5 0-7


Criteria High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Unsatisfactory

Critique supported by relevant literature.

References used in assessment 2 are used and additional references added.

Recent academic references were used published from 2012

Claims are supported by a balanced use of evidence from multiple sources.

Outstanding use of at least 5 additional relevant high quality sources of evidence.

The reference list and in-text citations are correctly formatted and punctuated throughout.

All claims are supported by evidence from sources.

Excellent use of 5 additional relevant high quality sources of evidence.

In addition to the standard for credit, most of the reference list is correct formatted and/or punctuated, including complex citations or unusual source materials.

Most claims are supported by evidence from sources.

Has used 5 additional pieces of relevant supporting evidence but some are not of high quality.

In addition to the standard for pass, more than half of the reference list and in-text citations are correctly formatted (Italics, capitalisation, regular text and spacing) and/or punctuated (alphabetically ordered, double spaced hanging indents, full stops and commas correctly positioned). In-text citations for direct quotes include page numbers.

Some claims are supported by evidence from sources.

Has used 5 additional pieces of supporting evidence but the quality and or relevance not always evident.

The 4 elements of the APA referencing style are present in most of the reference list, (creator, copyright date, title of work and source).

Some attempt at appropriate in-text citation, formatting and punctuation has been demonstrated.

All cited sources are included in the reference list

The critique was not supported by relevant literature. Has used less than 5 additional

articles. Poor use of literature to

support claims

Reference list is missing or mostly incorrect. In-text citations omitted or used incorrectly

In-text citations and reference list.  
See the Library APA Guide and APA style guide to electronic references.  
/10 8.5-10 7.5-8 6.5-7.0 5-6 <4.5


1.2           General Submission Requirements



  • All assignments must be submitted by the specified due date and
  • Complete your assignment and follow the individual assessment item instructions on how to You must keep a copy of all assignments submitted for marking.



  • The Turnitin plagiarism prevention system may be used within this unit. Turnitin is accessed via logging into vUWS for the unit. If Turnitin is being used with this unit, this means that your assignments have to be submitted through the Turnitin Turnitin from iParadigms is a web-based text-matching software that identifies and reports on similarities between documents. It is also widely utilised as a tool to improve academic writing skills. Turnitin compares electronically submitted papers against the following:
    • Current and archived web: Turnitin currently contains over 24 billion web pages including archived pages
    • Student papers: including Western Sydney University student submissions since 2007
    • Scholarly literature: Turnitin has partnered with leading content publishers, including library databases, text-book publishers, digital reference collections and subscription-based publications (e.g. Gale, Pro- quest, Emerald and Sage)


  • Turnitin is used by over 30 universities in Australia and is increasingly seen as an industry standard.  It is  an important tool to assist students with their academic writing by promoting awareness of plagiarism.By submitting your assignment to Turnitin you will be certifying that:
    • I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged
    • No part of this assignment has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment
    • No part of the assignment has been written for me by any other person/s
    • I have complied with the specified word length for this assignment
    • I am aware that this work may be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking).



  • You are to ensure that no part of any submitted assignment for this unit or product has been submitted by yourself in another (previous or current) assessment from any unit, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior permission from the Lecturer/Tutor/Unit Co-ordinator of this


Late Submission

  • If you submit a late assessment, without receiving approval for an extension of time, (see next item), you will be penalised by 10% per day for up to 10 In other words, marks equal to 10% of the assignment’s weight will be deducted from the mark awarded.
  • For example, if the highest mark possible is 50, 5 marks will be deducted from your awarded mark for each late


  • Saturday and Sunday are counted as one calendar day
  • Assessments will not be accepted after the marked assessment task has been returned to
  • This is consistent with Clause 51 of the Western Sydney University’s Assessment Policy – Criteria and Standards- Based


Extension of Due Date for Submission


Extensions are only granted in exceptional circumstances. To apply for an extension of time, locate an application form via the Western Sydney University homepage or copy the following link:

Application forms must be submitted to the Unit Coordinator/Convenor. Requests for extension should be made as early as possible and submitted within policy deadlines. Appropriate, supporting documentation must be submitted with the application. An application for an extension does not automatically mean that an extension will be granted. Assessments will not be accepted after the marked assessment task has been returned to students.




Resubmission of assessment items will not normally be granted if requested.


Application for Special Consideration


It is strongly recommended that you attend all scheduled learning activities to support your learning. If you have suffered misadventure, illness, or you have experienced exceptional circumstances that have prevented your attendance at class or your completion and submission of assessment tasks, you may need to apply for Special Consideration via the Western Sydney University website. and_facilities/special_consideration2 or the Student Centre/Sydney City Campus Reception. Special Consideration is not automatically granted. It is your responsibility to ensure that any missed content has been covered. Your lecturer will give you more information on how this must be done.



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