Rank the following from most acidic to least acidic

Determining hydronium ion concentrations Carbonated cola is more acidic than coffee or even orange juice because cola contains phosphoric acid. What is the molar concentration of [H30+] in a cola that has a pH of 3.120? (For help with significant figures, see Hint 3.)
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0 7.58 x 10-4 O 7.59 x 10-4 O 7.6 x 10-4 O 3.120 x 10-3 • 0.494 O 1.318 x 103
• Part C – The relationship between pH and acidity
Rank the following from most acidic to least acidic. Rank these items from most acidic to least acidic. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them. ¦ View Available Hint(s)
most acidic
pH 3,1

pH 3,1
pH=– 5
11130-11 = 10-
least acidic.

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