Module Code | BCM202 |
Module Level | HE5 |
Credit Value | 20 |
Module Leader | Philip Sayers |
Academic year | 2019/20, Re-sit Sept 2020 |
Assignment Brief HCM202
1. Purpose of the Assessment
The assignment is designed to enable the student to demonstrate an understanding of key principles and concepts in the relationship between human resource management and its implications in different business environments.

2. Assessment Task
2.1 Written assignment (1500 words) weighting 40% of the mark (LO3, LO4)
You are required to: Critically analyse effective HR recruitment and retention practices (50/100) and demonstrate how these practices can improve organisational management in two different businesses of your choice (50/100marks).
Within this assignment, students are expected to choose two companies of their choice and study their HR strategies. The students are required to analyse and discuss, based on logical arguments, the effectiveness of the HR strategies employed by these two companies
Word Limit: The assessment should be limited to 1,500 words (+/- 10%). If you end up with more than 1,650 words or less than 1,350 words you must revise the text judiciously to deliver work within the stated limits.
Style requirements: Except for the Titles and subtitles, you are not allowed to highlight text, which will be in Arial size 11, and without indentations. The main title is highlighted in size 16, and the subtitles are highlighted in size 14. The margins should be justified, not aligned to the left. Additionally, the space between lines should be single and the space between paragraphs should be double. The work will be in Report form and not the Essay form requiring an Introduction, the main body with subtitles and a conclusion.
2.2 Individual assignment, weighting 60% of the mark (LO1 – LO3)
You are required to produce a 2500-word assignment on the following topic:
Critically appraise theory and research on performance and reward systems (50/100marks) and analyse the implications for effective organisation management in at least two different businesses (50/100marks).
Within this assignment, students are expected to research performance and reward systems and critically analysed these systems within two companies of their choice.
Within your assignment you are expected to:
- critically appraise theory and research on performance and reward systems(50/100marks)
(b)analyse the implications for effective organisation management in at least two different businesses (50/100marks).
Word Limit: The assessment should be limited to 2,000 words (+/- 10%). If you end up with more than 2,200 words or less than 1,800 words you must revise the text judiciously to deliver work within the stated limits.
Style requirements: Except for the Titles and subtitles, you are not allowed to highlight text, which will be in Arial size 11, and without indentations. The main title is highlighted in size 16, and the subtitles are highlighted in size 14. The margins should be justified, not aligned to the left. Additionally, the space between lines should be single and the space between paragraphs should be double. The work will be in Report form and not the Essay form requiring an Introduction, the main body with subtitles and a conclusion.
Assessment Instructions
Within your assignment your tutor will be looking for content that addresses the key elements of the assignment brief. Try not to overcomplicate your answers by choosing a company that you know little about. Keep to simple processes that you know well.
The quality of your presentation and academic referencing is very important. Do use the Harvard Referencing System. Cite authoritative references. These can be from academic sources or authoritative and professional sources e.g. The Financial Times, The Economist.
Use Harvard referencing; author, date, title, publisher location, publisher. Use the Guide to Harvard Referencing. Cite the source in the text and correctly at the end. Cite the author’s name and date of publication in the text and ensure that author’s name appears first in the references at the end. If a human author is not apparent, then cite the name of the organisation. Give credit to the originating author or organisation. Businessballs, Mindtools are not an original source neither is Wikipedia.
Use critical analysis. Critical analysis compares and contrasts different theories, arguments or strategies; it tells us how relevant, useful or valuable these theories, arguments or strategies are; it is ‘evidenced based’ supporting the points made with good references from independent academic and practitioner data sources.
So, integrate academic theories and / or authoritative research into all your work. Note ‘integrate’.
Check when finished
- On the front page, stated your name, number, module, title and word count
- Repeated the question set, to help you keep your focus
- In the introduction; stated definitions of the subject with references
- Throughout the text; reduced description to a minimum and increased analysis to a maximum
- Shown critical analysis, comparing/contrasting many differing views throughout the text?
- Integrated different authoritative references throughout the text, four to five per page. Note ‘integrated’.
- Cite Harvard references correctly in the text and at the end, alphabetically
- Not cited MindTools or Business balls; cited the original author of the theory
- Focussed proposals from the evaluation and stated them as recommendations
To provide an adequate basis for your reports do go back and research all the details provided in the module web site on Moodle. In particular research the materials given for recruitment and retention, and performance and reward systems.
In addition, assess the case studies provided in the module web page e.g. Harrods. You can use these different businesses to show how recruitment and retention systems and performance and reward systems can be effectively applied. Do integrate the theory into the different businesses. Do not just describe. Note the word ‘integrate’.
Use the reading list provided in the module web pages to provide essential supporting evidence. These are all authoritative sources and well worthwhile including in your references. You can use one business that is known to you with a reference. Again, do integrate the theory and research into the application in a business.
Having considered the assignment questions and carried out the research, you may care to contact the module tutor (Philip Sayers) for further advice and guidance.
3. Sources
It is expected that the Reference List of the report will contain between ten and fifteen sources. As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include two refereed academic journal and four academic books.
4. Specific Assessment Criteria
Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will apply, stated at the end.
4.1 Individual assignment (AS1):
Within this assignment, students are expected to:
- critically analyse effective HR recruitment and retention practices (50/100mrks)
- demonstrate how these practices can improve organisational management in different businesses (50/100marks).
4.1 Individual assignment (AS2):
Within this assignment, students are expected to:
(a) critically appraise theory and research on performance and reward systems (50/100marks)
(b)analyse the implications for effective organisation management in at least two different businesses (50/100marks).
Marks are also awarded for: Presentation and structure; articulated and fluent academic writing style with ideas cross referenced; correct grammar and spelling; use and presentation of Harvard Referencing. Correct Harvard referencing for in-text citations and in the reference list at the end; Business Application and Integration of Data and / Reflection
5. Assessment Submission
Submission deadline:
AS1 Assignment: 9th September 2020
AS2 Assignment: 16th September 2020
Your assignment must be word processed and presented in a report format with simple sub-headings. The word count should be as specified in the assignment above±10%. Tables, diagrams, the reference list at the end and appendices are excluded from the count.
The Assignment report should have a Front Sheet showing your name, your student number, the module name, the module number, the assignment title, the module tutor’s name, the date and the actual word count of your submission.
All assignments will be submitted, graded and fed-back electronically via TURNITIN. Several submissions will be permitted before the hand-in date in order to enable you to refine the content in your report.
To submit your work, please go to the ‘Submit your work’ area of the Module Moodle site. It is important that you submit your work to the correct module Moodle site, and that your work is submitted on time.
Feedback on assignments in general will be provided to the whole group when marked assignments are returned. Feedback on assignments for everyone will be provided electronically via TURNITIN.
A student may obtain an individual appointment to discuss feedback with the tutor.
6. Academic Practice
Amity University [IN] London policy will apply in all cases of copying, plagiarism or any other methods by which students have obtained (or attempted to obtain) an unfair advantage.
Support and guidance on assessments and academic integrity can be found from the following resources: Moodle / Policies and Procedures; Moodle / Student Corner; The module leader
7. Learning Outcomes
The learning outcomes being addressed through these assignments are:
LO 1 – Appraise theory and research in the field of human resource management and apply of human resources management policies and practices.
LO 2 – Appraise performance and reward systems available within different range of businesses.
LO 3 – Analyse the complexities and implications of effective HR strategies for organizational management.
LO 4 – Analyse the relationship between human resource management systems and its policies and their implications in a range of different business environments.
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