please see the attach file below. ( for details see the atta

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please see the attach file below. ( for details see the attach file)You are going to write a Python program that represents a command line version of a hexadecimal editor. This program will be similar to the Linux built-in command line hexadecimal editors such as xxd and hexdump. The program will first ask the user to enter the name of any file you want to read. Your program will then print the binary contents of the file into the standard output (screen). The output will be divided into three main sections: the offset values in decimal, sixteen space-separated hexadecimal bytes, followed by the same sixteen bytes but in ASCII value. The figure below shows an example of the first 48 bytes of an output, and the three different sections: Notice that in the 2nd section there a space between the 8th and 9th byte. Each output line represents 16 bytes. The first column shows the decimal offset, where the first byte from the first line represents the 0th byte; the second line starts with byte 16th and so on. The final section only shows the printable ASCII characters. These are the ASCII characters can be printed on the screen (usually they are the characters with ASCII values between 0x20 and 0x7EThe rest of the unprintable bytes are replaced by a period (‘.’). The following built-in Python functions will be useful in this situation: chr, hex, ord. More information about th

The post please see the attach file below. ( for details see the atta appeared first on Wridemy. Visit us here Wridemy for plagiarism free papers.


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