whether you agree or disagree with the definitions provided of governance and/or government?   Be sure to explain why and support your reasoning with examples, as well as support from the text or another resource.

Assignment instructions:

Read other posts and write your respond to 2 other students, sharing your perspective on their posts in 150 words.

1st student post:

1. Read the piece “Governance Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics” (pages 1-9). PDF file attached below.

2. Summarize in a minimum of 250 words, the difference between governance and government.

3. Discuss in a minimum of 150 words, whether you agree or disagree with the definitions provided of governance and/or government? Be sure to explain why and support your reasoning with examples, as well as support from the text or another resource.

Governance without Government

Governance is a term that can be applied to many differently varied group sizes. Local, corporate, national, and international are just some of the applicable terms that can be applied to represent different kind’s governance. While government is can be recognized on a national and international scale, governance is recognized on a global scale. Governance refers to how decisions are made that concern the public. The success of good governance can be determined by how well the rules set in place affect the individuals who created and followed the rules that have put into place.

One of the more significant differences between governance and government is how the rules are dictated and followed within these two concepts. Rules created by governments are carefully crafted, and are heavily enforced by aforementioned government. When rules created by governments are broken you can also expect to receive an equitable punishment to fit the crime. Rules that fall under governance normally only survive if the majority of people agree over its importance to the group. Penalties for breaking these rules also often lead to less severe outcomes, such as being outcast from the group.

While governance and government may seem fairly similar one way they differ greatly is these concepts manage their resources. Governments retain control over resources in the form of taxation and use for policy implementation. Governance policy sources are distributed among public and private groups that collaborate to be applied and solve problems. The government follows the belief that the many interests of the social, political and economical systems can be reconciled within the broad nation state. Governance tends to approach policy based on individualism.

I must be truthful I found this concept a little difficult to grasp at first but reading multiple different sources, as well as re-reading the text helped me develop a better understanding of both of these terms. I feel that while government and governance have coexisted, and continue to coexist I am fascinated with the concept of only following either one or the other. The author of the texts supports the idea of governance thriving without government, and how it benefits the world. I found the author’s proposals interesting and persuasive. Opportunities for movement toward peaceful cooperation, expanded human rights, and higher standards of living are just some of the many promises the author believed that governance without government could lead to. However if I had to choose I would say I still wish to continue to live in a world both conducted by both government, and governance, and yet if I could only have the option to choose between government and governance, I would probably choose governance. I feel that a large reason for my choice however is due to the fact that I just read a very well thought out and persuasive article about the subject.

Write Your Response about the post in 150 words:

2nd student post:

1- Read the piece “Governance Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics” (pages 1-9). PDF file attached below

2- Summarize in a minimum of 250 words, the difference between governance and government.

3- Discuss in a minimum of 150 words, whether you agree or disagree with the definitions provided of governance and/or government? Be sure to explain why and support your reasoning with examples, as well as support from the text or another resource.

1. At first thought, the ideas of government and governance are thought to be interlocking gears that need each other to exist. After reading through the text, however, it is clear that both terms are very different from each other. The notion of prominent governance seems to be a growing preference in an ever-growing internationally dependent world.

Most people have an understanding of a sovereign government as a central authority. Government functions in its persistence toward policies with its authority giving rise to possible use of force to implement and enforce said policies. Government proceeds regardless of resistance, though possibly at a slowed pace. Government also differs from governance in the public’s perception of it. There are many that consider government and its institutions unnecessary. Government may be understood by some as the “mechanical” parts of societal functioning, the segment that executes policies.

Governance, however, is only at its best when the majority is working toward a “shared goal.” Though governance needs “order” for it to function healthily, it differs in its processes than government as it is necessary for cooperation among powers while decision making. Governance may be understood as the entity that establishes the values and direction to which societal functioning is steered. This differs from the government view that is executing and implementing policies to promote said values and direction. Where governance differs even further, however, is its “ambiguity”, particularly within languages that do not hold this concept in one word. This creates difficulty curating governance amidst globalization.

2. I would say that I do agree with both definitions of government and governance relayed within the text. This is in part due to my understanding of governance within the nonprofit spectrum. By applying this concept to a career field I am familiar with, I am able to then apply it globally. For example, within nonprofit organizations the board could be seen as the “government” while there are “governance” committees. While the government (board) takes action and executes decisions, the governance committees ensure that the board is staying the course and follow the mission, or the values, of the organization. Additionally, the idea of governance has been said to answer the “…”big” questions of a “constitutional” nature that establish the rules of political conduct” (Understanding the Concepts of Governance, n.d.). In summation, these definitions are accurate to its context. The text ensures the reader does not dive too deep into the “nuances” of the definition but is able to grasp the broader idea of what both mean.

Write Your Response about the post in 150 words:

The post whether you agree or disagree with the definitions provided of governance and/or government?   Be sure to explain why and support your reasoning with examples, as well as support from the text or another resource. appeared first on Versed Writers.


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