Develop a trendline to identify the relationship between billable hours and overhead costs.

  • The managing director of a consulting group has the following monthly data on total overhead costs and professional labor hours to bill to clients:
OverheadCosts BillableHours
$365,000 3,000
$400,000 4,000
$430,000 5,000
$477,000 6,000
$560,000 7,000
$587,000 8,000
  • a) Develop a trendline to identify the relationship between billable hours and overhead costs.
  • b) Interpret the coefficients of your regression model. Specifically, what does the fixed component of the model mean to the consulting firm?
  • c) If a special job requiring 1,000 billable hours that would contribute a margin of $38,000 before overhead was available, would the job be attractive?
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