Parts of Windows explorer






Question 1 (1pts)
Log into the Windows 10 virtual machine. How many factors are you using when you login and what are they?
Question 2 (1pts)
What would you consider logging into the Windows System to be?
Group of answer choices



Question 3 (1pts)
In the Windows explorer, look at the Properties on the Documents folder in your home directory. From the Security tab, what permissions does your user have? Don’t forget to include a screenshot to support your answer.
Question 4 (1pts)
Create a new folder in Documents. Check the permissions on that folder. How do the permissions of the new folder compare with the permissions of the parent (Documents) folder? Is there a reason for them being the same or different?
Question 5 (1pts)
Are the permissions you are looking at an example of authentication or authorization?
Group of answer choices



Question 6 (1pts)
Who else has access to your documents folder, if anyone (or anything)? Don’t forget to include a screenshot to support your answer.
Question 7 (1pts)
What type of access control is the Windows access control lists on your files and directories? Why did you choose that type? Don’t forget to include a screenshot to support your answer.




The post Parts of Windows explorer first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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