Lectures 6 to 10 is the time to plan and discuss your assignmenton Leadership and value creation as an approach towards delivering your Business as a value creator in the digital era.
This assignment encapsulates all the lecture. It considers the Business, its strategic leadership positioning, its digital/technovation drivers, its human capital, its agility, its internal and external values creations and its sustainability into tomorrow’s horizon-shifting futures focused age.
You strategically identify, and analyse your allocated business’ current position, and determine any leadership changes (1) across its upstream supply chain channels and (2) sustainably throughout the business’ value creation chains/networks all the way downstream into the end-user (i.e. ‘consumer’) domain. You include ongoing the business’ value creation against its internal/ external influences, and as contributors towards its global competitiveness. You logically justify your recommended approach as a suitable pathway into the future. You briefly consider your recommendations’ effects on key stakeholders. You draw on lectures, tutorials, discussions, concepts, journal articles, other relevant external materials, and/or individual readings.
Assessment No 3 Case
You just received a phone call from an employment consultant who said, “My client wants you to do some research on how they could improve and expand their export business.” You met with the consultant and they explained the deal to you over lunch. They also showed you some examples of the types of clients and the range of businesses they export to. The deal was explained like this:
1. The Sydney based company wants you to analyse their Business as they want to expand beyond Melbourne and Sydney where they currently operate.
2. They don’t know what other cities or countries to expand into and they need your advice on where you believe they could expand with minimal effort and to gain maximum advantage in the least amount of time.
3. As the company only employs 18 staff directly, they are technically a small sized business and they don’t really want to increase the size of their staff too much as they fear they’ll lose the personal touch. They want a high level of ‘variability’ in their staffing. They are quite open to your ideas in this regard.
4. They believe they can multiply their revenues by at least 10 times by expanding their operations to more countries- but they want fresh new ideas on how to do this.
You accept the deal and now you set out to construct a value-creation plan (VCP) for them.Your leadership decisions are based on a range of issues, and there is never one correct answer. Hence you may explore the allocated Business from a variety of different viewpoints, and then deliver your final plan and recommendations. Your recommendations need to embrace logical thinking, innovation and expansionary thinking based on facts/data/articles/etc (when available), and assumptions (when facts/data/articles/etc are lacking).

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