five critique letters ( 400 each) (use easy words, because I

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five critique letters ( 400 each) (use easy words, because I am an international student)Use letter form, write about what are good point, bad point, and some suggestion of their story, for example, ‘I think your story should……’for each document, you will write an individual response to the story Written by your classmate. The focus of the letter can be on a number of things, including: the aboutness of the story, the strengths of the piece, and areas of the story you think could be strengthened. Be honest, respectful, and specific. As a member of the workshop, we want fellow writers to leave workshop excited to get back into their writing, not to leave defeated. We will talk about workshop etiquette in class.In short, talk about what is good and what is weak about each story, and give some suggestions.

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