HI6005 MOG Tutorial Solution

Hi6005 MOG Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines

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Trimester                     T2 2020

Unit Code                     HI6005

Unit Title                      Management and Organisations in a Global Environment

Assessment Type       Tutorial Questions (Individual Assignment)

This is strictly required to be your own original work. Plagiarism will be penalised. Students are required to apply the theories and knowledge derived from the unit materials,    demonstrate    critical    analysis    and    provide    a    considered    and comprehensive    evaluation.    Students    must    use    correct    in-text    citation conventions.

Assessment Title         Tutorial Questions Assignment

HI6005 MOG Tutorial
HI6005 MOG Tutorial

Purpose of the Assessment and Linkage to ULO.

Student is required to answer 6 questions come from the tutorial questions from week 2 to week 11

The following Unit Learning Outcomes are applicable to this assessment:

–     Acquire  a  broad  understanding  of  the  theoretical  and  practical knowledge of management and organisations

–     Analyse     complex     problems     relating     to     management     and organisations and their impact on the business due to globalisation

–     Critically  analyse  policy tools  which  are  used  by governments  and how these policies impact the global organisation

–     Comprehend  how  businesses  benefit  from  understanding  the  role of management in organisations

–     Synthesise theoretical  and  practical  knowledge  of  management  of global  organisations,  develop  an  in-depth  understanding  of  the theories   and   practical   knowledge   necessary   for   managers   to formulate appropriate strategies

Weight                           50%

Total Marks                  50 Marks

Word limit                    The word limited is provided in each question

Due Date                      Week 13 – Tuesday (13 October, 2020 at 11:59 PM (Midnight)

[Late submission penalties accrue at the rate of -10% per day]

Submission Guidelines

•    All  work  must  be  submitted  on  Blackboard  by  the  due  date  along  with  a completed Assignment Cover Page.

•   The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and

2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.

Assignment Specifications

A minimum of 12 peer-reviewed academic articles in total must be cited in the text to support your claims/arguments, and all references must be listed appropriately at the end of the report using Harvard referencing style.


This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit “Management and Organisations in a Global Environment”.


Answer All SIX (6) of the following questions. The questions come from the tutorial questions from week 2 to week 11.

Question 1 Week 3: Tutorial 2 (Question 2) (7 marks)

What steps are today’s organisations taking to promote diversity and are these efforts effective?  Answer this question in 300 words (support your arguments with key research findings on diversity management).

Question 2 Week 4: Tutorial 3 (Question 2) (7 marks)

How should the company’s supervisors behave differently to get their subordinates to experience less stress on the job, or at least, get them to react less negatively? Answer this question in 300 words (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on managing stress in the workplace).

Question 3 Week 6: Tutorial 5 (Question 2) (11 marks)

Mark Martin has just been appointed manager of a production team operating the 11pm to

7am shift in a large manufacturing firm. Mark is concerned that the team members really like and get along well with one another but they also appear to be restricting their task outputs to the minimum acceptable levels. What could Mark do to improve things in this situation and why should he do them? Answer this question in 300 words (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on team performance factors).

Question 4 Week 9: Tutorial 8 (Question 1) (7 marks)

What are some emerging issues in leadership? Discuss some alternatives to leadership. Answer this question in 300 words (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on leadership in contemporary organisations)

Question 5 Week 10: Tutorial 9 (Question 1) (7 marks)

Describe when and where organisational politics occur and the forms of such behaviour takes. Answer this question in 300 words (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on organisational politics).

Question 6 Week 11: Tutorial 12 (Question 1) (11 marks)

Intranets can reflect and influence an organisational culture. Discuss the impact of technology on organisational culture in contemporary organisations and the challenges involved in building and maintaining culture with remote employees. Answer this question in 300 words (support your claims/arguments with key research findings on the impact of technology on organisational culture and virtual employees).


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