Choose a publicly traded company from the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). The company must have provided at least 4 years of dividend payments information on the ASX website. Provide the following information of your chosen company. 02 Marks Company Name: Stock Ticker Symbol: Stock Information: Most recent price Market capitalization Daily volume Number of ordinary securities published on ASX Most recent dividend Annual dividend yield P/E ratio EPS Company Description: How to solve this problem? Choose a company from the link bellow. Click on the Key statistics and check if the company paid dividend for the last 4 years. If you see no dividend history available then do not choose that company. Look for another company with 4 years of dividend payment record. Problem 2: Read the most recent announcements of the company and explain the information content of the announcement and (if any) related risk for the company. 04 Marks Announcement date and Headline Interpret the announcement: Good or bad news Is the announcement related to systematic risk or unsystematic risk? Explain Did the share price move up on good news and down on bad news or was the pattern mixed? (Check the share price the dates just before and after the announcement date and check the pattern). Why price movement might occur? How to solve this problem? Check the most recent announcement of the company from ASX website (announcement section). Problem 3: Calculate dividends growth rate and the return on share investment. 04 Marks Dividends Growth Rates {(D1 – D0)/D0} Annual rate of return using Gordon Model (P0 = D1/r-g) 2020 (D4) 2019 (D3) 2018 (D2) 2017 (D1) 2016 (D0 For stock price information (P0) check yahoo finance. You can do this section along with question number 4.

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