Create a web application similar to Assignment 1, but using JQuery Mobile as the framework


T2 2020: ICT272 Web Design and Development

Assignment 2 – Part A

25% – due Week 11



Submit on Moodle by the end of the week 10: all files must be uploaded on Moodle as a zipped File.

Presentation and report:  Part B will cover report and presentation.

WEBSITE: Create a web application similar to Assignment 1, but using JQuery Mobile as the framework

  • Use JQuery by referring to Microsoft CDN or Google Code
  • Design layout for Mobile views
  • The design should follow the Responsive Design context


  • Use Master Page to keep Menu and Footer same for all pages
  • Use data-role(page) and content pages to create different pages
  • Website should be responsive when accessed on different devices


The website should use JQuery mobile and ASP.NET controls




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