Drive Essay: How Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose Apply to You
To start with, here are the definitions of the above attributes, according to an online dictionary:
Autonomy: The right or condition of self-government.
Mastery:Comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment.
Purpose:The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
Obviously, the above definitions are very broad.For this essay, narrow the scope and context of these definitions to one particular personal goal, explaininghow andwhy the principles of autonomy, mastery, and purpose work toward achieving that goal. Here are someideas/questions to think about in relation to each:
Autonomy: Define what the term means in relation to your goal, and process of achieving it.
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Mastery:Define what the term means in relation to your goal, and process of achieving it.
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Purpose:Define what the term means in relation to your goal, and process of achieving it.
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Along with autonomy, mastery, and purpose, Daniel Pink also argues that we are better off focusing on ways to stay intrinsically motivated (Type I) versus focusing on extrinsic sources/rewards of motivation (Type X). In fact, he even has a glossary toward the back ofDrive with terms he uses throughout the book, along with his many examples. See if you can incorporate some of these additional terms into your paper, explaining how they relate in some way to your particular goal.
Essay Requirement Basics:
•4-5 pages in length (4 full pages, minimum, not including the Works Cited page)•5 supporting details minimum within the body of the essay (paraphrased and/orquoted)…all taken from Daniel Pink’sDrive. No sources outside ofDrive necessary.•The essay’s body paragraphs should discuss, at minimum, how autonomy, mastery, and purpose relate to how and why they result in your specific goal achievement.

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