Detect excessive shock using phone’s sensor data AB Pty. Ltd is a smart application development organization in which you are a member of a PaaS based smart application development team. Currently, you are working to a project to develop a smart application to detect excessive shock based on accelerometer and orientation data of the phone’s sensor. You have already worked on an application in your week 9 activities to collect phone sensors data in IBM Cloudant using Watson IoT Platform and created visualizations. Now, you are assigned to develop extended modules to detect excessive shock using accelerometer and orientation data collected from the phone’s sensors. As per the customer’s requirement, you need to design and develop the followings in IBM NODERED system to – • identify and display shock using phone’s sensor data and display a message in debug if there is a shock event, • post a Twitter alert using your twitter account when the shock is detected, • display shocks over time using a line graph/chart,

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