You are required to develop a well-referenced literature review which provides a background to your project. The literature review should examine the factors/construct(s), and discuss all relevant factors/constructs that have been identified by previous researchers which lead to the problem under investigation. Additionally, you are encouraged to synthesise your work, thereby transforming relevant academic literature into an integrated and well-presented articulation of a concept or concepts under investigation. This should be also be summarised visually using a conceptual map.
The literature review will also form the foundation for the final assessment in MNG93218 Industry Research Project Part B, which is a written report where you would make some recommendations based on findings from the research you have undertaken.
Please ensure the majority of references are from current, high-quality sources (primarily peer-reviewed, highly ranked academic journals). The use of books should be kept to an absolute minimum as they are usually dated and not peer-reviewed. Absolutely avoid using information from the internet (e.g. blogs) other than websites of government (Australian Bureau of Statistics) and international organisations (e.g. World Bank, OECD).
You should write the literature review with your target audience (practitioners in the partner organisation) in mind. Therefore, it is imperative to avoid the use of academic jargon and link academic concepts in simple language back to the context of the researched problem in the partner organisation.

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