Ozzy Pradise is an Adelaide based renowned luxury hotel and motel. The luxury esthetic and customised service are the hallmark of this company. In this assessment I will be the marketing team member in the marketing department to identify.
Company’s mission, vision, purpose and values
Mission statement
The mission is to excel by providing a world-class services in our resorts where visitors give us the following:
- Priority as a holiday resorts attracting, rewarding and motivating team members who can make the place haven for the visitors at all levels.
- Maximizing profits maintaining the heavenly service and resorts quality.
Vision statement:
The vision of Ozzy Paradise is to be an international tourism provider where the visitors must feel they are in PARADISE while their stay in our resorts.
Purpose and Values statement:
A key principles and values that are excellent in services which feels like heaven and excellence in resort location where it is close to a beach. The following are the purpose and values statements:
- Diversity of cultures
- Meet and greet visitors as per the cultural values
- Motivated team
- Zero tolerance for customer complain
- Integrating service needs
Company’s goals and targets
Visitors Perception
The company would like to focus on customer/visitor satisfaction so that they become loyal and return to us in their next visit.
- Customer must be satisfied in our service location
- Customer must come back to us
- Customer must talk positive about us
- Making sure the resort sites are clean and tidy
- Services are readily available before they ask
- Staffs are readily available before they hunt
- Customer issues are solved immediately
- Customer feedback collected and action taken immediately
- Providing cultural meet and greet service
Financial Performance:
Focusing onto the visitor satisfaction, employee satisfaction and marketing initiation, the company would like to increase its return investment.
The company would like to have a positive growth every year and to have at least 20% net ROI
Strategy: adopting the strategy and plan effectively
- Ongoing budget analysis
- Target oriented action for every department
- A situation analysis identifying factors impacting the direction and performance of the business.
Staff perception and capability
The company would like to focus not only on customer and visitor satisfaction but also on employee satisfaction in order to motivate the staff and provide a quality of service to customers. This will creates a loyal environment and in return the sales will increase.
Objectives: Employee must provide a quality service
- Employee must be satisfied working in the company
- Employee should be loyal to the company.
- Employee must talk positive about the company
- Strategy: making sure employee is well paid in the industry
- Training and career development
- Bonus, incentives and awards
The Ozzy Paradise would like to focus on the company’s marketing strategies to establish the reputation and loyalty brand among the customer through brand awareness and other marketing program that are very popular now days.
Objectives: maintain in a clear and current understanding of the key issues that incluence
Visitor’s perceptions creates atleast 80% brand awareness among visitor for the location (means at least 80% visitor will know about us regardless they are booking or not) want to be in a top 5 hotels or resort in 5 years.
Strategy: undertake regular market research to understand the issues
- Adopting e-market techniques
- Adopting social media option
- Enhancing goolge search outcome being in the first 5 of the result
- Promoting our brand through different tourism fair, seminar and other program in top rated caountries.
SWOT: Complete analysis for products, services and markets
- The existence of financial resources and possibilities for refinancing.
- Improvement in service offered to tourist
- Flexibilty and adaptability to maket requirements
- Existension of touristic seasons
- Increasing tourists loyalt to company products
Weakness: number of tourist permanent decline
- Old and outdated tourist structure
- Inadequate cost management strategies
- Competition with other resorts
Opportunities: free zone status for casino
- Amplifying and expending tourism activities
Treats: The Company’s hotel location is not too attractive and will impact on the performance. The company has to adopt an aggressive policy investment.
- Changes in tourist preferences, tastes and needs.
- Obsolete equipment in the field of enterntainment, catering, internet café games for children and adults.
- Staffs are readily available before hunting
- Customer issues are solved immediately
- Customer feedback collected and action taken immediately
- Providing cultural meet and greet service

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